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Everything posted by Squeak

  1. Yeah, it can get really hard. I could always delete some aesthetics but I don't really want to.
  2. I could probably find money somewhere.
  3. β 1.02 DL LINK UPDATED Structure Changed up some aesthetics so there was no z-fighting Red corner was changed so that it wasn't just a 4x4 tall corner, it is now more open. Also, I added a rock 2 to the red corner to add a LoS blocker from red walkway ramp. The LoS blocker from red to purple walkway was changed a little bit. Blue rock jump up was changed to a slide jump to make it easier to see from jetpack Lowered gravity lift by 3 units Pictures Objective Added oddball (Purple walkway --> Jetpack --> Blue spawn --> Red corner) Added extraction (Purple walkway --> Red Corner --> Bottom purple --> Blue spawn) Edited KoTH (Purple Walkway --> Teleporter Hall --> Purple dropdown --> Red corner --> Blue spawn) Weapons Moved carbine to be right where stickys spawn Added a damage boost random drop in red corner Future Updates Making a seperate Unity + version of the map with different weapons FFA spawns More gametypes (Any suggestions?)
  4. β 1.02 DL LINK UPDATED Structure Changed up some aesthetics so there was no z-fighting Red corner was changed so that it wasn't just a 4x4 tall corner, it is now more open. Also, I added a rock 2 to the red corner to add a LoS blocker from red walkway ramp. The LoS blocker from red to purple walkway was changed a little bit. Blue rock jump up was changed to a slide jump to make it easier to see from jetpack Lowered gravity lift by 3 units Pictures Objective Added oddball (Purple walkway --> Jetpack --> Blue spawn --> Red corner) Added extraction (Purple walkway --> Red Corner --> Bottom purple --> Blue spawn) Edited KoTH (Purple Walkway --> Teleporter Hall --> Purple dropdown --> Red corner --> Blue spawn) Weapons Moved carbine to be right where stickys spawn Added a damage boost random drop in red corner Future Updates Making a seperate Unity + version of the map with different weapons FFA spawns More gametypes (Any suggestions?)
  5. Thanks Zandril for the overview! I am going to be editing the map soon just need to get my game back from a friends house.
  6. I don't like the shield door in front of the green teleporter. Also, looks like some parts of this map will get unused.
  7. Fracture definitely deserves a feature. It is really fun for flag and I think it could work for hill. Also, if you sized down the map I think it would be a fun 4v4 map.
  8. Triumph By DBD Squeak and Chronmeister BETA :Slayer -- KoTH -- Extraction (WIP) -- Oddball (WIP) -- 1 Flag (WIP) Download Link : HERE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Triumph is something a little different from what most people see me forge, an asymmetrical map. It is inspired by Damnation from CE. The best player count for this map right now is 4v4 with a 3v3 minimum and probably a 5v5 maximum. The map might seem big at first but that is mostly due to the elevation on it. Testing KoTH, I learned that it was made for this map, there is so much awesome dancefloor and it can lead to some fun firefights. Screenshots: Weapons & Locations Primary weapons BR x 4 -- two in each base Carbine x 1 -- In red cubby LR x 1 -- On purple walkway DMR x 2 -- one near each initial spawn AR x 1 -- In purple dishes Secondary weapons Plasma pistol x 1 -- Near purple windows Needler x 1 -- Near lower teleporter Grenades Frag x 4 -- two near each base Plasma x 2 -- near purple windows Pulse x 2 -- on purple walkways Power Weapons Rockets (176s) -- On purple bridge OS (86s) -- On purple ledge Jetpack (56s) -- under purple bridge ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks DarkGoldNova Tanner Toxic Zandril S312
  9. Overview and download link added
  10. Triumph By DBD Squeak and Chronmeister BETA :Slayer -- KoTH -- Extraction (WIP) -- Oddball (WIP) -- 1 Flag (WIP) Download Link : HERE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Triumph is something a little different from what most people see me forge, an asymmetrical map. It is inspired by Damnation from CE. The best player count for this map right now is 4v4 with a 3v3 minimum and probably a 5v5 maximum. The map might seem big at first but that is mostly due to the elevation on it. Testing KoTH, I learned that it was made for this map, there is so much awesome dancefloor and it can lead to some fun firefights. Screenshots: Weapons & Locations Primary weapons BR x 4 -- two in each base Carbine x 1 -- In red cubby LR x 1 -- On purple walkway DMR x 2 -- one near each initial spawn AR x 1 -- In purple dishes Secondary weapons Plasma pistol x 1 -- Near purple windows Needler x 1 -- Near lower teleporter Grenades Frag x 4 -- two near each base Plasma x 2 -- near purple windows Pulse x 2 -- on purple walkways Power Weapons Rockets (176s) -- On purple bridge OS (86s) -- On purple ledge Jetpack (56s) -- under purple bridge ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks DarkGoldNova Tanner Toxic Zandril S312
  11. Update V1.02 Gametypes added & gameplay changes : Ricochet added (Pruple bridge -- Yellow -- Bottom rocks) Changed hill and extractions to be a 5-plot game (HILL : Green -- Top rocks -- Top blue -- Yellow -- Top Red l Extraction : Green -- Top rocks -- Yellow -- Top Blue -- Top Red) CTF Fixes (Can't take flag from under base, respawn zones work) Respawn zones (Now only in CTF, Slayer, and Ricochet) Changed the spawning so FFA can be played. Structure : Removed all inclines off of the top middle structure Added bridges with jumps up to them Changed yellow tunnel pieces Added flag box Changed windows under bases to walls Weapons : Moved sniper to yellow antenna, made it an ordinance drop Placed carbines under bridges Moved plasma pistol inside of the bases behind the flag Made all grenades on normal so you can't run into them
  12. Update V1.02 Gametypes added & gameplay changes : Ricochet added (Purple bridge -- Yellow -- Bottom rocks) Changed hill and extractions to be a 5-plot game (HILL : Green -- Top rocks -- Top blue -- Yellow -- Top Red l Extraction : Green -- Top rocks -- Yellow -- Top Blue -- Top Red) CTF Fixes (Can't take flag from under base, respawn zones work) Respawn zones (Now only in CTF, Slayer, and Ricochet) Changed the spawning so FFA can be played. Structure : Removed all inclines off of the top middle structure Added bridges with jumps up to them Changed yellow tunnel pieces Added flag box Changed windows under bases to walls Weapons : Moved sniper to yellow antenna, made it an ordinance drop Placed carbines under bridges Moved plasma pistol inside of the bases behind the flag Made all grenades on normal so you can't run into them
  13. It does have responses in another one of the other subforum on this website. UPDATING MAP ON HERE TOMORROW!
  14. Im still working on kinks to the map so if you ever want to work / test on it with me message me @ DBD Squeak.
  15. Thanks this map has come a long way. The "alpha" version of this map does not even compare
  16. Vanguard by DBD Squeak and DarkGoldNova Slayer - KoTH - CTF - Extraction - Lockdown - Ricochet Vanguard is a symmetrical 4-base map with some aspects from Sanctuary. Power weapons : Overshield - 2 mins Railgun - 2 mins Sniper - 2 mins (1 clip) Jet pack - 30 secs (no ordinance) Other weapons : BR x 6 LR x 2 Carbine X 1 Plasma pistol X 2 Assault rifle X 2 Needler X 1 Boltshot X 1 Grenades : Plasma X 2 Frag X 4 Pulse X 2 Screenshots : Note: Some of these pictures are from an older version of the map. Thanks : The Fated Fire (Biggest thanks ) Eshkii Chronmeister DOWNLOAD LINK
  17. Vanguard by DBD Squeak and DarkGoldNova Slayer - KoTH - CTF - Extraction - Lockdown - Ricochet Vanguard is a symmetrical 4-base map with some aspects from Sanctuary. Power weapons : Overshield - 2 mins Railgun - 2 mins Sniper - 2 mins (1 clip) Jet pack - 30 secs (no ordinance) Other weapons : BR x 6 LR x 2 Carbine X 1 Plasma pistol X 2 Assault rifle X 2 Needler X 1 Boltshot X 1 Grenades : Plasma X 2 Frag X 4 Pulse X 2 Screenshots : Note: Some of these pictures are from an older version of the map. Thanks : The Fated Fire (Biggest thanks ) Eshkii Chronmeister DOWNLOAD LINK
  18. I once dolphin dived onto a claymore in Black Ops 1.
  19. I once was rank 117 in Halo 4, almost didn't play for a week due to the awesomeness
  20. Both of them are reasonably the same.
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