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Everything posted by Ahsoka

  1. I hate the snow. Well I hate my car in the snow.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Azaxx


      Ahsoka, drink Ginger Beer. It fixes the problem for you :3

    3. Admiral Ackbar

      Admiral Ackbar

      She drank Hot Tea. Lol. She's drinking now watching some random movie.

    4. Azaxx


      Well she should ditch tea for the master drink.

  2. Cold, tired, and hungry. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      Force that amphibian to hold you then so you are warm and make him feed you. Plus take a nap in his arms once your done eating.

    3. Admiral Ackbar

      Admiral Ackbar

      I made her food. I hugged her. I even made her hot tea. But still too early for bed

    4. Azaxx


      Give her something that would make her tired?

  3. Little does Admiral know, but he is going to be getting me ice cream.

    1. Azaxx
    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      *Carmine Voice* Ooohhh Ice Cream...

  4. Wow. I don't know what I'd do without my family and The Admiral. They have all helped me so much recently..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fishy


      You'd still have us to come to. You are loved here. <3

    3. Azaxx


      Glad to hear that :)

    4. Vaulting♥Frog
  5. I just wanted to thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers the past couple of days. My family member is doing really good! And they should be discharged before Christmas!! Best Christmas ever. The new laptop I'm using is a very close second. Anyways. Thank you all! :hug:
  6. First off, thank you all for the support. And as for another update. My boss at work let me go home early today, which was a blessing in itself. I was able to go see my sick family member. The family member seems to be doing better. I hope she keeps improving. The weather also cleared up. Yesterday we got 6 inches of snow and now it's mostly gone. Which makes getting around a lot easier. Again thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I'm not sure what tomorrow is going to bring. But I have a great support group. Thank you all!
  7. I'll make sure to log on enough to talk to you. At least, as much as i can!
  8. Life's full of adventures. I guess this next couple of weeks will just another adventure. Let's hope it has a happy ending.

    1. Fishy


      I say it will be a happy ending. ><>

  9. I will log on as much as I can. It's just getting harder and harder to find the time.
  10. I have no problem cutting silver hair. The only thing I won't do is cut a mullet. And I hope so too!
  11. So I would love either the quilt or the tshirt. If not one of those two. I'd be fine with anything.
  12. I'll set aside a time for your haircut.. And thank you
  13. I am just informing you all for the next couple of weeks I will very rarely be on. Not only are the holidays coming up, and for some strange reason everyone wants their hair cut. So I'll be working long hours. A family member is fairly sick, so spending as much time with them as possible. I'll log on as much as I can, but I can't promise anything. The Admiral will still be on a lot. My family member who is sick, doesn't really like him, so he won't be visiting near as much. Kind of a sad/funny situation. Anyway, he'll be able to provide any updates that are needed. So yeah, tonight will probably be one of the last times I'm on for an extended period of time. The sick family member is about an hours drive away. And if things keep progressing they will have to be transferred to a hospital 3 hours away.. Just thought I'd let you all know. -Ahsoka.
  14. Oh Monday night. Could you get any better :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Azaxx
    3. SykoWolf


      No Aza, no ice cream for you ^^

    4. Admiral Ackbar

      Admiral Ackbar

      Actually I'm pretty sure it was the ice cream that made the night.

  15. Thanks for everything you do!
  16. I don't really like it that much.
  17. Risk and alcohol always go together..

    1. Admiral Ackbar

      Admiral Ackbar

      Alcohol and being woken up at 6 am don't go together...

    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      6 AM wake ups suck for everybody.

    3. Azaxx


      I like waking up at 6. Preferably earlier :(

  18. I could imagine. The shoutbox gets heated very fast. I could see that spilling over into PM's and Threads.
  19. Ackbar is my BF. So if I didn't like Star Wars.. I'd be out the door! haha. Just kidding. It would be hard to be a mod and in the shoutbox at the same time.
  20. Yeah I am. I like Star Wars.. What can i say. And thank you! most people have been very helpful.
  21. You're always hiding when I'm in the room! :/ It's ok though
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