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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. Mount and Blade: Warband is on Xbox One for USD 19.99 :D

  2. With a medically induced coma there isn't any brain trauma that the brain needs to shut down to repair, allowing the brain to usually 'reboot' at any time. Note the "usually" there lol. Induced comas are generally used to spare people who would otherwise be in terrible pain (like a burn victim) some of that pain while they heal. A traumatic coma, however, is usually caused by sudden trauma to the brain that causes the brain to shut down. This can be temporary or permanent. It is unknown if the brain does this on it's own as a sort of 'safe mode' so that it can make repairs or if it is simply unable to function with the trauma the way it is. On a side note, relatively little is known about traumatic comas due to the ethics involved in studying them. An MRI can only go so far while studying brain damage, and it's unethical to pop someone's skull off that might be able to wake up again while they cannot consent. Remember, for it to technically be a coma your body isn't shut down at all. Your brain retains the ability to work your heart, lungs, and other unaffected organs but it simply cannot become aware of its surroundings. If your heart and lungs are not functioning and neither is your brain, you are dead in every way possible.
  3. Usually your brain goes into basic survival mode. In most cases it keeps your heart and lungs functioning, but cannot 'boot up' all the way until whatever caused the coma has been repaired. This can take days, weeks, or even years. It is known as a vegetative state (or persistent vegetative state) and the world record for waking up from one is 19 years. So far only two people have survived that long in a vegetative state. Terry Wallis and Jan Grzebski. In some cases the damage cannot be repaired. Normally a vegetative state only requires a feeding tube and hydration IV. Someone who needs active life support is not in a coma, they are brain dead. Brain death may also be declared on someone who still has vital signs due to an uninjured brain stem, but the rest of their brain is damaged beyond recovery. No one has ever woken up from brain death. Those who claim otherwise are victims of Hollywood's misconceptions on comas and brain death, or trying to sell a story of their own. Or they're even trying to get people to further mistrust doctors to push their agenda. Usually something like antiabortion or antieuthanasia.
  4. I watched it as it aired, and at the time it was pretty decent. A good chunk of the special effects haven't aged well, but the story can be pretty gripping if you're into that sort of thing.
  5. It was pretty critical during the cold-war, but needs to be modernized. There isn't much of a threat of global nuclear war anymore, and the vast majority of nuclear powers have vowed (at least publicly) not to use these weapons. The tensions between the US and NZ have thawed quite a bit, and the US and AU have generally been pretty friendly. Except that one time that the (at the time) new PM backed out of an ICBM testing deal. So it shouldn't be to difficult to further cement the treaty and modernize it to everyone's liking. Nope.
  6. Failed to do what I wanted you to do? Nope. Depends on the version of photoshop. Yes. Twice. They'd have to get through a lot of land and water to be able to do that.
  7. Some are and some aren't. If a woman is appearing disinterested but is actually interested, usually she gives you clues as to her interest. Then you both play the game of romance, wherein you attempt to woo her and she sees how much you'll do to do so. If you aren't willing to play that game, though, there are women who also do not want to play that game that you should seek out. You should, however, avoid being 'creepy' in any way. You should avoid being overly affectionate, overly attentive (i.e. stalking), and attempting to be in constant contact (i.e. spamming). Remember, interest is not the same as consent in any way. Sometimes it's effective to counter this game by playing hard to get yourself. There are also women who have been through some type of trauma and feel the need to be distant or appear disinterested even though they are interested. If you find yourself 'falling' for a woman who feels this way, patience is paramount. Depends on the game, day, and who I'm playing with or against. lol I'm fairly competent at Swat and Snipers, but find myself impatient with normal gametypes that require entire clips to drop enemies. 1. Primarily genetics. You have genes that make you look younger than most, that's all. I actually had the same thing going on for quite some time. Height is also a bit of a factor, but again that boils down to genetics in most cases. 2. That's not how my directions work. If I tell you to do something and you do not do it, it's because I don't want you to do it. I intentionally make a weak case as to why you should do something, while making the case just strong enough that you do not suspect that that is what I'm doing. Nobody has ever failed to do what I wanted them to do.
  8. 364 licks on average Nik Sant is not Captain Rex. Jaing Skirata could be, due to Ko Sai's data.
  9. Maybe, but it's still a long ways off. The only reason for the 2.0 is because I had no extra time at all to answer any questions, having to leave questions unanswered for months and months at a time. So instead of necromancing the thread I just made a new one. Being nervous around people that you like is a normal reaction to the fear of driving said people away. Hair generally darkens or lightens with age based upon your genetics and environmental factors. Yours darkened which means that either you have darker haired relatives or that you simply don't get enough sun for it to remain light. Yes, your hair color could indeed effect the hair color of your children, but their hair color may also darken with age. It can also go the other way by starting off brunette and turning into a dark shade of blonde. Depends on the men, but the primary reason for the 'harshness' would be due to the high expectations that one has for their own flesh and blood. They expect their sons to know how to do what needs to be done properly and get frustrated at both themselves and their sons when that doesn't happen. That depends on you. If you are aware of the situation than you can damper your expectations and possibly avoid this type of behavior. There were some issues with the server side of the site, but they are resolved now. I am assured of this.
  10. There kind of isn't a way to improve your own common sense. You're either in tune with social logic or you're not lol Well it's not a bad idea on it's own, but it depends on a ton of different variables. Financial stability, what type of home you have, etcetera are all factors in play here. I got hyped over the skyrim remaster and the FF7 remake. Also project scorpio looked awesome, but kind of to good to be true. Halo Wars 2 will probably be cool. Other than that I didn't really pay attention.
  11. That's not something that's specific to only one gender, but it is a stereotype. There are men who find skinny girls more attractive, medium weighted women more attractive, or even heavy set women more attractive. There are men who even find super sized women attractive. On that same token, there are women who prefer skinny men, women who find medium weighted men more attractive, and even women who are into heavy set men. Attraction is something that is completely based upon each individual. Two men can be looking at two women with similar body types and facial structures but each prefer a different woman based on the smallest details. Basically every man and woman is beautiful to somebody. That doesn't even take personality into account, which is surprisingly important when it comes to attraction. You can find someone unbelievably attractive but then find out they are also unbelievably annoying and immediately not want anything to do with them. Yes, there are men who check women out even when those women are with their boyfriends. There are men who check women out while they are with their girlfriends, even. There are women who do the same thing, though. My wife has actually caught a woman staring at my butt while we were waiting in line at the movies, and the woman was actually holding her boyfriend's hand at the time.
  12. EXCEPT that I actually do. 42E was commissioned by M$ to make the ARG, sure, but Bungie approved of it so much that the ARG eventually made it's way into canon. Which is irrelevant because I didn't say that Bungie made the ARG, did I? No, I simply stated that Bungie had weird and off-topic marketing approaches. Then I pointed out two marketing approaches for previous Halo games that were similar to the ones for H5, one of which WAS created by Bungie. Iris gave no further information than what could be reasonably assumed by the books and by the ending of Halo 2, and most of the information was irrelevant to Halo 3 and only later became relevant again with the Forerunner Saga and Halo 4. You remember Adjutant Reflex turning out to be none other than Mendicant Bias, right? And that the whole thing simply detailed the ending of the Forerunner race with only a tidbit about artifacts that were on Earth? And actually, Master Chief was shown in Iris in a couple of different ways. His visor showing glyphs a couple of times as well as appearing on the advertisement for The Cradle of Life, which kicked Iris off in full. I'm actually just teasing you here, because the actual way to completely destroy your point is the live action videos for Halo Reach, which were just like the commercials run for Halo 5. They featured main characters, but none of the things in the trailers made it into the game. Instead they opted for going the route that that was simply backstory to the game. You barely even get acknowledgement that anything in the trailers was actually relevant to the game as well. The closest thing to relevance was the ARG Patrol LAT, which is the patrol you go looking for in the first mission of the game. They barely mention how Noble 6's predecessor died, and they didn't even mention the spartan training camp. Yeah, Halo 5's trailers weren't super relevant to the game, but like the Reach trailers the themes were there. The ARG wasn't very relevant, but it was right about the same relevance as the ARG for Halo 3. Halo 5's suckage, again, wasn't due to the marketing. It was because of poor writing of the main story line, which is what we have all come to expect from comic book writers who go to write for video games. We expect it so much so that if a story is simply mediocre and has only a couple of forced plot points we praise the crap out of the writer for being one of the best comic book to video game writers of all time.
  13. No I don't, but if I had to guess I'd say purple. Probably because it's difficult for blonde hair to be natural in Japan due to the dark haired genetic trait being so prominent. Plus blonde hair can easily be dyed any other color. I've got 8 bags of poprocks into my mout at once before, with a swig of coke. That didn't end well.
  14. I literally cannot think of a Halo game that had a marketing campaign that actually led into the game or was a part of the game. Especially the viral marketing. So you're basically bashing 343i for continuing in Bungie's footsteps of kind of weird and off-topic marketing approaches. Or have you forgotten about Halo 2's viral marketing campaign featuring an AI that didn't exist in the game? Or Iris (AdjutantReflex) for Halo 3, which again had little to nothing to do with the actual game and was more or less about the books? And then all the live action trailers? Seriously, Halo has always gone off kilter with it's marketing approaches. Yeah, H5's story was disappointing but the marketing wasn't why, it was crappy writing from a guy who should've stuck to comic books.
  15. Going to be able to get on GTA Online around 6pm MST. Hopefully...

  16. First the gif has to be the proper size, and you have to do that yourself. You can use http://ezgif.com/resizeor another such site. Once it's the proper size all you've gotta do is save it to your computer and upload it. Then it should work.
  17. I got GTA V for Xbone finally. Thanks to father's day lol I can only play GTO on weekends, and even then sparingly though. Cuz baby.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      VaultingFrog would argue that GTA V would turn your baby into a serial killer if they watch.

    3. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Delpen9, you're thinking of Glenn Beck and the majority of FOX News.

    4. The Director

      The Director

      GTA 3 didn't turn me into a serial killer, and I was playing it. Neither did GTA Vice City or GTA San Andreas. While I was playing SA Hillary Clinton was telling my mother and the mothers of my entire generation that I would become a 'super-predator'.


  18. Life: [noun] the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. As far as knowing whether our life is real or not, I would refer you to the philosopher Rene Descartes, who when faced with a similar conundrum stated, "je pense, donc je suis" or "I think, therefor I am." Basically, if it is real to you then it is as real as can be to you. No other perspective matters than your own when it comes to the reality of your own existence. The United States would immediately retaliate against any and all nations who could/would potentially attack us with nuclear weapons, assuming that we cannot immediately confirm who attacked us. So basically, if Russia used nukes against the US and the US couldn't immediately prove it was Russia, the US would use nukes on any nation that had the motive and means to use nukes against the US. This would include China, Russia, Pakistan, and North Korea at the moment. This would significantly degrade the quality of life for nearly every living being on the planet. This nuclear strategy is shared by every Nuclear Superpower, and has been coined Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). If zombies were real then you would have had to kill one at some point or another. As would nearly everyone who lives near where zombies exist. Especially so if zombification happens at the time of death regardless of a bite/scratch/etc. from another zombie. That is the nature of a society. The judgement of others is a social motivation mechanism that helps prevent you from doing things that are 'socially unacceptable'. These things may seem minor at first glance, but bear in mind they include murder, rape, and theft. If there were no judgement from your peers, then doing these things would be socially acceptable and likely commonplace. Everyone has feelings, but most people feel differently about different things. Even complete sociopaths have feelings, but their feelings vary wildly from what is considered 'normal' to feel. For some the showing of feelings is more difficult than others because of social factors or the way they were raised. There are also psychological implications at play that determine what someone feels, how they feel it, and how they express those feelings. I do like pandas. About as much as is normal to, at least. I'm not a super-fan or anything like that, but they are amusing to watch. Here's a livestream: http://en.ipanda.com/live/chengdu/08/ It depends entirely on the RPG. Some of them I absolutely adore, others I abhor. It basically boils down to gameplay and the level of immersion that I can get out of the games. For instance, I like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim but hate The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion because the graphics in Skyrim are more immersive than the comparatively cartoonish graphics of Oblivion. Skyrim's gameplay is more fluid, the missions are more interesting, and you are actually the hero of the tale rather than the overworked sidekick. I have not cosplayed before, and I don't ever plan on doing so. I would not dress up as anyone other than myself or something that at a stretch could be me.
  19. I find myself agreeing with a lot of the points being made in this thread, but I also know something rather important. It doesn't matter if we trust them or not, they will be making H6 and HW2. Even if we rant and rave, type angry messages until our fingers bleed, throw feces at M$ headquarters, or even beg on our hands and knees M$ won't change this. The reason is that we are the loud minority. The people who are happy with the games rarely come onto forums to say, "Hey, great job." M$ also knows that a lot of the long-time fans didn't like the direction that H5 seemed to be headed, but H5 still grossed $400 million on it's release day. Actually, all of 343i's releases have sold really well. That's what Microsoft cares about, not that within weeks the multiplayer shrinks 10x or that the game is panned by die hard fans.
  20. So here's a couple more. Story Integral (Mandatory) Minigames: So you've been playing a game for a day or two and are really enjoying the story. You've gotten used to the gameplay, however difficult, and are now moving along the story at a decent pace. Then all of a sudden, MINIGAME! And I don't mean an optional minigame, I mean a minigame within the story arc that you must beat to continue the story. Like hacking in Bioshock, or the nightmare in MGS3. These aren't always annoying, but they really can be if you suck at the minigame but are great at the normal game. Mandatory Tutorial Missions: The biggest killer of replay value there is. The longer a mandatory tutorial mission, or a tutorial that cannot be skipped, the more annoyed you get on your second playthrough of a game. There are some horrible examples, like the Spiderman Trilogy games, Legend of Zelda (nearly all of them), and Fallout 3. The reason for most forced tutorials is equally annoying, game writers trying to justify cramming exposition into the beginning of the narrative. Unrealistic Damage in 'Realistic' Games: So in reality a .50 caliber bullet coming into contact with a human being will prevent that human being from continuing combat. Usually because that human being is very, very much dead. However, there are quite a few video games out there that brag about being realistic yet have issues putting realism into terms of damage. Fallout 4, for instance, will allow you to create a .50 cal sniper rifle and also allow bandits to survive headshots from said rifle. Even if said bandits were wearing helmets (which they weren't, in my experience) the bullet would have caused a sizable chunk of the helmet to replace the bandit's brain in anywhere near reality. This is actually one of the most common cliches in video games, and in most cases it's beneficial. However, when 7.62 mm is > .50 cal, that's when things are ridiculous.
  21. Going to try to play it when it's released. Would be hilarious (and awesome) if it got a port to Xbox as an indie game, though.
  22. Let's have some fun by listing some game mechanics, dynamics, and cliches that we all know and hate. I'll start us off with a few. Quick Time Events: The general idea of a quick time event is to give the player immersion, but more often than not it detracts from the experience. Especially so if you miss one during what you thought was a cutscene and have to fight through the level again. There are some games that use quick time events to their advantage (Indigo Prophecy), but the majority of QTEs these days feel unnecessary and annoying. Forced Stealth Gameplay in a Non-stealth game: I'm not talking about Splinter Cell or other games that rely primarily on stealth as their selling points, I'm talking about games that don't have stealth in any other part of the game than that one level that everyone hates. It feels as if the games are trying to show off their stealth mechanics, which are often subpar at best. Add Spawning Bosses: A boss-type enemy who spawns additional, usually weaker, enemies can be cool. Especially in games where killing the adds benefits you with exp, health, or ammo. But most add-spawn bosses don't spawn additional enemies that do anything except annoy the crap out of you while you're trying to take down the boss. Some bosses spawn adds so frequently that it's best to just ignore the adds and kill the boss, which kind of defeats the purpose of the add spawning to begin with. So what are some game mechanics and/or dynamics that annoy you?
  23. Same, and yes I do think there will be. Forge is one of the most popular features of Halo, and one of the biggest reasons it's kept it's edge against other first person shooters. I'm willing to bet that there will be a Halo 6 Edition within a year of the release of Halo 6.
  24. It's primarily in response to Time Warner being bought by Comcast. It is as close to competition that telecom companies get to. Basically, they want each other to agree to locked prices for their customers so that they won't be in direct competition price wise, and can make a fortune without having to worry about cutting their prices lower than their competitors. It's some bull, basically. 343i doesn't have public-facing contact info with the exception of social media and internet forums. If you were sent here by Microsoft Support, they were wrong. You can message some of the top 343i employees on Twitter, but they'll usually ignore you. Try posting on halowaypoint.com, as that's the official 343i run website. Lift strength isn't much in the USMC, unless you're going into artillery. If you can do more than 4 pullups, 200 situps, and run 3 miles in under 20 minutes you'll be good better than most. Destiny. I returned it though.
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