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    SIP HinDae

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  1. Boarding ghosts is irrelevent because the ejectee can turn around and punch you. Hell i've been boarded and then boarded him right back.
  2. I was so looking forward to hopping into Halo 4, BR in hand and ready to rock. But no, 343 buffed a gun that didnt need it beyond what they did in reach, the DMR. 1.5s to kill, over every other precision weapons 1.8s Add that to the fact it retained its anti armour rounds and you have a mini sniper rifle you can spawn with in every game.
  3. Indeed, its fast firing, but its offset by its laughably low power. Makes me wonder why the Carbine costs 2SP, whereas the all powerful DMR costs 1SP. The DMR needs to be nerfed, I hate having to resort to using it just to be able to kill something, simply because its better than everything else.
  4. I met a kid that didnt know how to get in the Warthog a while back. I weeped for the future of gaming. I agree with this 100%, im sick and tired of having untouched Warthogs and Mongoose ATVs at the base because "I want some kills", that or they routinely ignore driver seat and shoot at people with the turret, demanding THEY drive. Or being totally abandoned by my whole team when I grab the flag or oddball.
  5. I'd buff the Spartan Laser to 1 shot it, like any other vehicle, but not do anything to the Mantis itself, Missiles are hard to aim, Bloom means its ineffective at high range, and can be board naded like any other tank, plus the size of it means it cant easily hide from enemy fire.
  6. Meal time at his house. "QUICK! THE POST GAME MENUS UP! HOT POCKETS! F***ING NOW!"
  7. The new DMR is a testament to that statement. "Oh? A Warthog is raiding my base? *Spawn with DMR*" "Oh? That guy outgunned me with his BR? *Spawn with DMR*" "Oh? I cant aim? *Spawn with DMR*" Derp.
  8. Competitions where people develop their own skins could be a cool idea, I'd never be able to do it but still. Also, am I the only one that'd nerdgasm if we had Nerf gun skins?
  9. Limited edition owners are in the same boat, well, the ones that DON'T sit playing Spartan Ops for 8 hours per day.
  10. Although I never got a 50, it was something to properly strive for, A casual I may be, I did play Halo 3 MLG sometimes to see if I could get better. I kinda hope they dont just cop out and import Arena...
  11. No matter what I cant seem to ever kill with it, even if I get the first shot, or ambush them or anything, they either get away or return fire and outgun me. What gives? It just doesn't seem to have any punch, I want to use the Covie guns but as stated, I cant compete with the many DMR and BR users when running around with a Carbine, the Storm Rifle doesn't fair any better in close range either, strips shields fine, then just tickles. I hope this is just lag making some shots miss or something, I want to not have to use human guns to be able to do anything.
  12. Just wait til you get the games where it starts as 1v4... Had to put on the big boy pants for that one.
  13. No, Friendly Fire is a bad thing, I'm tired of being betrayed for power weapons.
  14. Wetwork, screw ALL the PromVis users!
  15. This, for instance, I play Skyrim for hours and hours after hitting level 81. I'm sure every true fan of Halo will play for the next couple years between now and Halo 5 even after hitting level 130.
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