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Everything posted by Irrelevant

  1. Hey there!!! enjoy your stay PM me any questions if you'd like.
  2. I hate goodbyes How about a see you later instead?
  3. Irrelevant

    about me

    HELLO! HELLO THERE! Have any questions? Just ask! And have a nice day
  4. Welcome to the forums! lol bit of an intro you got there feel free to ask any questions
  5. Welcome to the forums!!! and remember the welcome message knows all, it's wise to listen to it lol
  6. HEY welcome to the forums!!!! Shhhh.... everyone loves cheese so its ok
  7. Welcome to the site!!! I LOVE BACON <3
  8. Welcome to.... THE FORUMS!!!! you'll find that alot of the people here are nice so enjoy your stay
  9. Welcome to the forums have any questions? just ask.
  10. Welcome to the forums have fun
  11. Congrats!!!! YOURE HALF WAY TO 1000!!!!
  12. I LOVE MUSIC!!! I think Title Fight is best
  13. FML!!! I just remembered that Halo 4 came out the same day as the concert i wanted to go to D: and i missed it

  14. So! I have come to a realization that my Pikachu is a LVL99!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Azaxx


      Mudkip > all other Pokemon

    3. The Director

      The Director

      Oh please. I have a level 178 Mewtwo.

    4. Irrelevant


      @Azaxx Its all about them jigglypuffs :P lol

      @The Director Pikachus NEVER die >:D

  15. UGHH!!! my shade, I was so gonna get kills with this D: i guess i have to threaten to hack people, to ensure that my shade won't blow up again.
  16. WELCOME to the site enjoy your stay!
  17. WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!! Have a good time here ok no ones gonna bite.
  18. Master Chief and Cortana... EXPLOSIONS!!!!!
  19. Care about K/D and play for fun. Win/loss is really not in your control.
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