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Vinyl Scratch

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Status Updates posted by Vinyl Scratch

  1. *cough* *cough* gets dusty under my rock...

    1. Delpen9


      The hitch-hikers used to drive these babies for miles

    2. Melody


      Patrick Star? xD?

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Don't worry. The weight of the news flowing in only weighs about 2 million metric tons.

  2. Sometimes I hate League of Legends..... and sometimes, I wish my computer could fit down a sink disposal....

  3. "As balance dictates..."

    1. Delpen9


      Ying, Yang... yo watsup.

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      katarina rekt u

  4. Vinyl Scratch is NOW AKALI!

  5. Hey guys, I am VERY sorry for neglecting the site for so long, I have just been caught up in a lot and I am sponging the neighbors internet again. Might get my own service soon so I can play Destiny, but really sorry about the neglect guys!

    1. Delpen9


      Now it's time for me to neglect you.

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I've been wondering where you've been. :3

  6. Sorry guys, only have a moment to say this but I dont have internet connection and Im using a facilities. Haven't been on in a while and dont think I will be for a few weeks, when I get connection, I'll see you guys again!

  7. We need someone who is the epitome of friendliness to represent our forum! Forget the fancy flyers and ads, we turn them down on the tv all the time anyways. We need someone with passion to bring our forum together even more than it already is. We need someone with heart! Vote for ME! VINYL SCRATCH FOR FORUM PRESIDENT! Together, we can research new ways to summon Twam into the shout box! We can uncover the REAL identity of Total Mayhem, and even

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      You carpetbagger...

    3. Minuette


      Better luck next time

    4. The Silenced

      The Silenced

      Even my identity is concealed.

  8. YAY! New signature! I took it and cut the gif myself!

  9. I know what I want to do for a living. BECOME SPIDER WOMEN SOMEHOW! I DON'T CARE HOW, BUT I WILL!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      Conecting the genes is a major problem. Its not as easy as 1,2,3. More like Starting at 1 and counting to 1,000,000. It'll take awhile.

    3. The Silenced

      The Silenced

      Quite possibly you could GIVE UP your mini-horse dream and become a master engineer and biologist. Then you could be decapitated by the Green Goblin.

    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      HAHAHA! Never.....

  10. Anyone know a website that changes video resolution without having to download a program? Kinda like http://www.youtube-mp3.org?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      lol maybe next time when you're faster than my brain/google skillz

    3. Delpen9


      It's bad that I wish you were stupid. lol

    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      That doesn't earn you brownie points.....

  11. Azaxx is now me and Twam's love child.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      Twam* darn you spellcheck

    3. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      And that makes me Poseidon...

    4. Delpen9


      That makes me Athena.

  12. I discovered that I arrive in seasons.

  13. One....trick....pony....

  14. Knock knock! The internet has different opinions than yours! XD

  15. I just.... I couldn't NOT be Vinyl, didn't feel right, so I changed it back! XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Wow, a RECORD performance from you.

    3. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      I have no idea what's going on.... :3

    4. Sadly Just AL
  16. Hey guys, its Vinyl Scratch again. Been like what? A whole year? Anyways, might be here every so often, but now Im Elsa cause FROZEN is the best thing EVER! See ya guys around!

  17. Arrrgh, what I'd like to do to the people that got our ponies taken away from us......

    1. HappehNinja


      A bunch of pampered sticks-in-the-mud, that's what they are.

  18. Many accommodations to DocSpartanO07 for achieving Community Moderator status.

    1. Zaguroth


      Even if you get a bunch of votes for yes, they won't put you in the bot category because you aren't a bot...

    2. Minuette


      You keep changing your name.

    3. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      No haters. What do you know?

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