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Everything posted by Caboose

  1. Ok so this thread is for people who need help with things gaming related like gaining achievements playing co op mode or just looking for a friend with smiler interests So if you need help or want a friend please post in this format Gamertag : Game : Request : Timezone : if you think that format is bad thing post it how you like but no 1337 talk please
  2. so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 343i.org day is prob best
  3. Hopefully it has legendary and limited if so which will you buy ? and why ?
  4. this post failed i tried to upload a funny image but it did not work
  5. did not see you post that so i don't count AHAHA
  6. it is tho biggles is right so we all agree i win and stop posting
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