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    genesee county MI.
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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I would like them to make the walking backwards on the walker a bit slower then the players sprint so if it is camping in an open area and your forced to run at it you actually have a chance to catch it.
  2. I only have a few things to say about the new halo game that i have not bought it but played a good 12 hours at a friends house and i felt like a lot of them maps were to big with some cheap vehicle that would win the team the game. For example the walker it could take down almost anything else on the map and if your team was unlucky and couldn't get an explosive well sucks for you.
  3. I agree fully i have been playing halo since the first game and have had fun with every game always making the game depend more on skill then your weapon but i feel with the ordnance drops over just normal weapon spawning the game has depended more on your weapon. Now when i play this game i feel like i'm playing CoD.
  4. i have never changed it..
  5. well its the same thing as it was..everything is fine now except i cant log onto bungie..as i previously said do you know how i might be able to fix that? P.S. i like youre sig
  6. well.. i still cant use my bungie.net account and i have to use a new one..and with that new one i cant set my gamertag to it
  7. when i tried to play halo:reach today a thing popped up that said: Welcome to NOBLE team! it asked me if i was a male or female..it reset all my armor and it gave me a free 5k credits. after a match it said that i have advanced to Warrant Officer Grade 3 as if i just leveled up..and when i tried to log onto bungie.net it said i needed to create a new profile. If anyone knows how this happened and/or how to prevent it, please post Sincerely,Quakiller
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