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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. how can we tell? there's being `1 teaser ask this question when there is gameplay.
  2. Armor lock should be taken out, not being kept.
  3. you're not meant to hit the ground at all, IE hit the ground then assassinate. u meant to do it while falling through the air.
  4. there's already a thread for this in the halo 2 section.
  5. Halo 3 was fun. the skulls were good to find, especially the silver ones. Vidmasters were easy.
  6. it was pretty meh when i first head about it, since i was playing it anyway, it didn't really bother me 2 hard. and again, for them reasons, i won't buy it till the halo 4 beta is near (preusuming there is one)
  7. rocking the sig. welcome anyways.
  8. Halo wars was the biggest letdown 1. it was an RTS. 2. for an RTS, it sucked.
  9. off topic: posting 171 posts in 12 hours, that is annoying. and necro posting.
  10. Need to expand on that.
  11. Everyone says that, and its really annoying, im used to it, but someone people just can;t. anyway. No Bloom Blood Beatdowns. 1 - 50. more game modes more game maps after that, i don't care.
  12. i can't change my own photo, i dunno if this just applies to me or not...it says its there, but its still Master chief.
  13. Tbh, that'll be taking halo in gneeral over the top.
  14. i think armor customization should again, be at a sane level, and not be able to change the game its self, like editing weapons etc, also it will be like CoD. Hayabusa and rouge were nice armours, they would be nice back. Armor sets are a meh, it would be cool if they existed.
  15. most likely not, as it won't be able to tell if you've done it or not. nice idea though.
  16. Welcome to 343 Mastachief. have fun.
  17. you don't wanr a REALLY overcrowded game do you? seriously?
  18. halo doesn't really have mini bosses, that's what makes it so different, i'd rather not have minibosses and be fighting continuously.... sorry.
  19. meh im not excited, they will put it off again or something, it will be delayed for a good few years.
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