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  1. Well, you see i'd love to recall the time... No.... Erm... 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish? Do I win?
  2. That's horribly sad. There's no words to make out any outline of my despair for these families, only that I know they must have had a horrible holiday to the families, I hope they catch these criminals to bring closure to the families.
  3. Welcome my friend. Stay for a while.
  4. Jousting. Me and my friends get on mongooses with energy swords and mess around for hours.
  5. 52 to 2. I feel like if they saw this they would contemplate it now, making this. I hope they do. I loved forge world.
  6. A balanced map, I like symmetry or pseudo symmetrical. I don't like asymmetric maps. Never make a building with only 1 entrance, some cover but don't go overboard, think about power weapon placement such as don't use a sniper on a small map, aswell don't put rockets on a small map. A sword is a fine example of a good weapon on a small map.
  7. Around 5 years since Xbox 360. I played Nintendo and Gameboy before that, I never got the original Xbox.
  8. Your xbox is not properly cooling itself down. It overheats and the xbox makes this sound often if it is overworking yourself. Halo 4 is a big game, and requires 2 disks and a faster processor, if you have an old xbox this may be the cause.
  9. Possible fixes: -Press start, go down and switch your connection to XBOX LIVE, make sure it isn't on System link, local or anything else. -Go to storage under console settings, remove the War Games and re-install the disc.
  10. There's always been shotguns, there's always been battle rifles and stealth. There's not much that's changed. I personally am much happier because it's more fun to aim and shoot rather than spray with an assault rifle and melee, most of the time trading.
  11. Check your deleted messages in your inbox.
  12. I like your idea, you should forge it on Impact if you want that space theme, but i'm not certain 343i would jump on this opportunity because it is based of an idea that is copyrighted.
  13. I forge a lot, and most of my maps are intricate and complicated. I started noticing this on my castle map, when I noticed I went back into forge later to finish my map and do weapon placement, when I noticed every single block was rotated incorrectly by a few degrees. (1-4 degrees) Normally I wouldn't care about something like this, but every 5 steps or so there would be a bump in the floor because it would go up or down in some weird rotation, when I did rotate snap 90 degrees. I then noticed every time you open up a map in forge, the blocks get edited by a few degrees. If you play the map in custom games it works fine, but if you re-open a map in forge, I guess the way 343 coded it, it loads all the blocks wrong by a few degrees and then you have to manually go into forge and re-snap everything back to normal, re-save it then you can play it in custom games. But if you ended it and went back into forge it would mess up again. Tell me if anyone else is experiencing this. My friend has also experienced this.
  14. This topic is a month old now, don't dig up old topics.
  15. Tip one on dominion for exile: Make a loadout with pule grenades & grenadier. At the start of exile, usually everyone rushes for Point B. When you reach the terminal for B at the beginning, chuck both pulse nades at the terminal. I do this everytime I play dominion on Exile and i've never lost Bravo in the beginning with this tactic, as it gets everyone going for Bravo at the beginning at no shields because they all come up the slim hallway, aim the nades at the top and near the terminal, It'll get you many assists and many kills in the beginning, and first strike.
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