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xX OriginZz Xx

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  1. Yes, but this is on CEA, so he's still alive.
  2. 1: Take Reach disk 2: Burn disk 3: ???? 4: Profit? OT: Just turn friendly fire off, much easier.
  3. It's only going into the classic playlist for obvious reasons.
  4. Exactly, if she was to do stuff like that I wouldn't really mind.
  5. The ones i would like to see is: Contact Harvest Ghosts of Onyx and Cole Protocol. I would love to see an ODST 2-3, as I really enjoyed to ODST campaign.
  6. Ghosts of Onyx would be brilliant, I would also like Harvest. On Harvest you could play as Johnson, it would have to have a health system relatively similar to ODST, I like ODST because it follows the war from another perspective other than the Chief.
  7. It has already been stated that the "planet" is not of Forerunner origin.
  8. How would this even be possible? If he means hearing her more during the campaign, then fair enough, but I don't see how you would be able to play as her. She's an AI, she has no physical form.
  9. I voted first person, but if they were to do something like that I would prefer it to be like this.
  10. Should have the Reach armoury, but with MK VI variants instead.
  11. Name: Sticks and stones Description: Enemy and players only have side-arms, grenades and melee. (doesn't apply to boss type enemies)
  12. Well, they are using plastic bullets and water sprays. Apparently the "drug dealer" didn't shoot the police officer but he did have a gun, an officer shot him dead and thats what started it all but now it's gotten out of hand and are rioting for the sake of it. Lucky for me, I live in Stoke but there have been people on Facebook saying the Potteries shopping center in Hanley is being terrorized. Should blow over in a few days.
  13. Thanks One, so it shouldn't mess up my other game saves then?
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