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What we want from 343


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sir il have you know that i am 15 and alot of people arent little i have been playin since i was 4 and i truely love halo so direct you hat ont to the fanbase but to individuals... and guess where all the money i make goes, thats right saving til halo 5 and 6 come out and other halo games hmmm and what else.... a 60 round ASSULT RIFLE WILL BE STUPID BECAUSE ITS TO MUCH AMMO FOR ONE CLIP and besides a 40 round one would be cool though. and if you dont like reaches then dont hold it tap it for the bloom prob that every on hates... sooo in all conclusion dont hate appreciate

You're still not technically old enough to play. It's rated M for Mature, which is ages 17+. You apparently didn't start with Halo:CE because it had a 60 ROUND CLIP, noob. Anniversary's campaign is meant to be just a revitalization of Halo:CE's campaign, meaning it will be EXACTLY LIKE HALO:CE'S, just with better graphics. On another note, considering you have played CE, your math doesn't add up. Halo:CE came out November 15, 2001. Not 2000. Therefore you couldn't have played it when you were four, unless your birthday was after that date. Flaws in your story pointed out.


OT: A Halo game like M.A.G. (plus a campaign with gigantic battles) would be epic. 256 people in the same map meaning two armies of 128 spartans (or elites) colliding on the battlefield? Just plain epic. Pelicans, Scorpions, Warthogs, some other material found on halo.wikia (such as the UNSC Cougar APC) would be able to be used alongside their Covenant counterparts. Then you've actually got the massive, fabled war between the UNSC and the Covenant. You would also have your standard Halo playlists that we have now, like Team Slayer and SWAT. My god I want a Halo game like this!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello My name Is Eric and I have been playing halo since I was a little kid in 2001. there have been many changes to halo since then and the biggest ones are custome games, MP, and forge. I belive that 343 can harness these three contents and make them much better. here are the things I feel should be added to the halo universe.


1.add dedicated servers to all future halo games, this would be perfect for all halo gamers because it would allow 4 players to be in a theater lobby,allow no lag in 4 player co-op,make MP online feel and play like a MLG LAN connection. would allow custome games to be pushed to 32 players in one lobby so you can have better and bigger machinimas(plus zombies would be AWSOME), they also could make one MP gametype have the 32 players. that game would be invasion, it was a one of the many things reach did right, its a great gametype and imagine with 32 players? it would be great.


2.If they are going to continue with bungie's amazing Reach engine, there is one thing they need to fix, the impostering system. yeah its a great revolutionary idea for games, but it needs work, alot of it.


3.Make the armor less marine/average millitary attachments (like grenade straps and spcial knifes or ammo packs) and make the armor more like halo 3 were most of the armor looks badass and not all of it stupid looking for a spartan to use. I do like the armoy ideas though, continue with inovating how many things you can change on your spartan.


4.I say you probly need to do a little more focusing on firefight maps, they suck in reach. but I can give them the benift of dought since unearthed is really good and 343 made it not bungie.


5.also please make MLG's life easyer and our competitive gaming experience more fun by adding more symetrical maps. say you have ten maps, make 4 of them symetrical for MLG,make 2 random Asymetrical maps,make 2 invasion,and two big team.(thats if you make only ten i think the best option is to release 15 installed maps to keep things fresh and you can then perfect the DLC like bungie did with halo 3.


6.DO NOT put kinect into the halo franchise, i understand you guys are part of microsoft, but please dont ruin the best game created since DOOM, Quake and all the other original FPS games.


7.I have heard rumors that you will be able to "customize" weopons and vehicals......all i have to say is if you DARE make our game like CoD there WILL be hell to pay. Im speaking for the WHOLE community of Halo when i say you will loose us, All the hardcore fans will diminsh and move on, I problly will only buy the game after it reduces price so i can get the story and then i would sell it. Im telling you dont you dare allow us to have custome weopons and vehicals thats STUPID.


8. also dont put in custome armor for campagin, this would really mess with the story of john. dont get me wrong it was cool for reach, no other halo should have it unless you do another side game like ODST,or somthing like that.


9.Please make Sprint a button, you have to have watched youstube, or read the forums, or just know from experience. AMROR ABILITYS ARE STUPID. if you disagree with me your not a halo fan, your a 12 year old who spams armor lock,invisability,and jet pack. the evade is ok and the bubble shield is pointless, but sprint is interesting,plus for the button layout is uniqe for it. but we all agree just make sprint a button, dont add armor abillitys, nobody like them and they ruined reach in alot of ways.


10.I know we all loved duel wielding at one point or another, please put that back in, it is uniqe and fun to do. Also put the 60 round assult rifle back in, or at least have both types of rifles.


11. make the elites usable for all gametypes again, you know theres a simple fix to them always being stronger right? EDIT THE SYSTEM! lol just make the elites stronger in invasion but make them equal in normal games so its more fare. (also it would be interesting to see elites have the soul capability to duel wield swords, because it would be interesting to see those swords in mahinimas or in custome games. idk it might be somthing interesting but i can live without)


12.heres the biggest thing and this is directed to Frank O'Conner himself, please make the new trilogy about John's team and finding halsey and mendez(make Sgt. Johnson voice actor mendez voice please). I understand Im a fan and not a producer or developer. I understand that you already did halo 4, and probly started halo 5. but think about what you can do with that story from your book Onyx, it will be beast to see the mystery of that story afterwards.


13. serve halo right, do right by it and make our favorite game even better than before. thats all we can really demand. do that and you will have me sold. I hope you guys take halo all the way and give it back its title as the greatest game on the planet.


Feel free to coment or add to my list, i wont opinions from you guys the comunity.(also I would really like to see halo wars 2. it would be interesting to see them make the idea better) I hope you all agree and hopfully 343 will see this post and listen. Frank please im a huge fan and i trust you to make this game amazing.




I really dont like how you are trying to boss them around even if you said "im not trying to" you are! its 343's game now let go of what bungie did cus they screwed up a LOT! thank you.

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Ok, so i have some pretty cool things that I would like to see out of the future halo series. The aforementioned additions to the franchise are pretty top notch, but here is my personal spin on what would be F*ing great to see in some of the next games to come.


1. In firefight mode, to surprise the experienced players like myself, make the elites or brutes or whomever we fight in Halo 4 drop from the sky in those drop pods like in the Reach campaign. Drop ships are cool and all, but having a few stealth drop pods land with invis elites would be cool. Now that I am thinking about it, there are drop pods of enemies in Reach, but make this option customizable because I don't believe that it is, could be wrong though. This may not fit into the cannon of Reach, but putting the flood into firefight has been something that I've wanted to see since the debut of it back in Halo: ODST. I am brimming with ideas of how to make flood inspired firefight maps that use the flood as a main types of enemy paired side by side with the covenant.


2. Don't make the flood the main enemy in Halo 4 or the remainder of the Reclaimer Trilogy. I've killed enough flood over the years and I want to see some new enemies. Don't care if they are large walking vaginas with great white shark teeth, just something else to shoot at. P.S. That enemy is copyright protected lolz.


3. Add power-ups back into the halo MP. I like the armor abilities and how they spice up gameplay, but there seems to be less predictability in terms of how matches play out. Meaning, when I play against a team and I am dishing out a whooping, they all, or nearly all, switch to armor lock; which is aggravating to say the least and slows the pace of the game significantly. Now I know that there is the TU 4 that will be nerfing the armor lock even more, which I am happy about, but for future games in the series keep the armor abilities because i feel it JUST FITS with Halo and add some NEW kinds of power ups. Like infinite armor ability juice for 10, 15, 30 seconds or infinite ammo for 10 seconds. Then there can be something that is on the map that teams fight over other than the power weapons. I know that there are custom power-ups that can be utilized, but this is only in custom maps. Basically, I want to be fighting, during a slayer game, for something in addition to power weapons and position; and don't tell me to play objective cause that is a lame response. I just want something along the Halo 2 days where there was an overshield pickup and no matter what that player was using weapon wise, he was a juggernaut. To use the Bungie ViDoc analogy, before the Reach beta, Halo MP is a meal and i can eat it every day i just want some newer and fresher sprinkles on top, that's all.


To continue with this point, there could be a power-up that removes the "backpack" weapon from the character model for a short period of time. Essentially, this would make the person who picked up said power-up look more like a player from Halo: ce, when you had no idea what secondary they had.


4. Get someone working on a 343 industries mobile app to check Reach and other Halo stats. This was an awesome app that made my Halo career just that much better. I highly suggest that someone gets this out soon.


5. I've got to stress getting some way to have more than one person being able to watch the theater mode. At the bare minimum, two people, but 4 would be so great.


6. More needle based weapons, and on top of this, make all needle ammo interchangeable. I don't know how many times I've played Halo:Reach campaign with the needle rifle and been irked by the fact that there were 1001 needlers on the ground and no needle rifles. Every time i think to my self, "I should be able to get ammo from this BLAMING! Needler. This makes no real sense." I get the mantra of "one weapon, one ammo type", but there are only two of these needle based weapons in the whole Halo universe. What gives? Either make the ammo interchangeable or think of new needle based weapons to justify the aforementioned mantra. I mean hell, a needle sniper rifle. Easy. copy and paste awesome and replace with needle ammo. Giant Needle Luancher. Two shots like the Rockets with the supercombine explosion on ground or target. Again, F*ing easy, make it pinkish and purple FTW.


7. Drop the plasma repeater from MP completely. This weapon is terrible and reminds me of a ****ty covie version of the SMG. Substitute with the plasma rifle. Nuff said.


8. Don't cop out and make all the forerunner weapons in Halo 4 some type of laser/beam based weapons. The sentinel beam in Halo 2 was ****, the focus rifle is a much better weapon, but it gets old getting killed by just bullets and plasma. Variety is the spice of life and Halo shouldn't be any different. Basically, if a new weapon type is going to be introduced, make 3 of them. One sniper, one mid range, and one short. Figure out the redundancies from there.


9. Here is another weapon idea that I would love to see brought into the Halo Universe. A throw-able boomerang type of melee weapon. The sword and Hammer are good melee weapons, but if Halo and comedy has taught me anything is that good things come in sets of three. You could make this a forerunner type of weapon or human. It should be pointed out that both of these melee weapons are derived from the covenant side of the universe. Why not make a human melee weapon? (and the 9-iron doesn't count). I mean games steal things from other games and relabel them, why not take that glave from that crappy Dark Sector game that no one played and just call it the "Boomerang", and when someone is hit by it they explode, like a frag on a frisbee. How sweet would that be? Just don't make ****ty redundant weapons like the plasma rifle and plasma repeater.


10. New and better vehicles. I love the 'hog, ghost, banshee, S. Tank, and Wraith. Just more new ideas for the vehicles, like a 2 seater ghost or something along those lines to "balance" the mongoose.


11. Equip-able Jackal type shields. It was in the fall of Reach book and Ghosts of Onyx, i think, and this is a piece of the universe that I would like to see realized in the game.


can't think of anything more, but 343i don't be afraid to take risks. I know that you don't want to alienate your fan base, but I have been right along side Bungie since Halo 2 and I am completely confident that the next Trilogy will be awesome and your own, but take all the risks that you can for Halo 4. I am just saying that you cannot please everyone all the time, that is impossible. From someone who was willing to take the good with the bad, albeit i didn't really think there was a whole lot of bad, I like the decisions to take risks. That is why I respect Bungie because after I became a fan i found out that they took a lot of risks with the series. Please do the same. I can only imagine that the fans, myself included, will love you more.

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My ideas for Halo (really my and my favorite ideas) PLEASE READ, I know its long, BUT DO IT! :D


Full Effect Invasion:

This is a list of the ideas I belive wold make a gametype so god that COD will be blown off its throne. Please ass your own ideas, even iff you think its too crazy too work. Halo was made through ideas thought to be the same.Too crazy to work. But they did...


1. Have maps that span both space and land.If I am needed to attack a cruser to save my objective, I can grab a pelican and some buddys and overload its engines.Or if my job is to defend it until it can glass the objective, that can happen. Add drop pods as well.


2. Two sided winning. If there is a ship attacking let the defenders attack it andtake it out and reversing the fight. But give the attackers one last chancrtoturn battle around.This would cause an unparelled realizm to the combat, as if it was happening.


3. AI integreated gamplay. This would let you have such a huge map without lag and it would add a better effect to it. I would love fighting with hunters and ODST online. This would hopefully be the thing that lets you put in phantoms, pelicans, scarbs and everything else.


4.Realistic objectives. Add in things that would happen in the halo universe. Forerunner objectives, such as shield barriers like the ones in Halo 3's mission "The Covenant". Ships like Forward Unto Dawn, of realistic saze and interactions. Let the Covenant use glassing beams and the UNSC use MAC cannons to distroy objectives. If I have to press a button to activate something in campagin, shouldn't I do it online? I press RB and my character moves his/her hand and presses it. Thats all I can think of. in this catigory. Pkease add on.


5.Custom Maps for this gametype need to be ground up, like in custom edition. Have things such as a cruser in the spawning index. Let it be some be senery, to make it look likea fleet, and others be realistic and have full acsess, as if it was realy there.Let players be able to make anything that was seen in the campaigns. If I want to recreate the mission "The Ark" pebble for pebble ans have the same interations (the

Dawn coming from space for example) I could, but with online play.Make the building and moving doors be apart of the spawn index. I recommend using different section to store everything in, so I can find theoption to spawn it in the "forerunner buildings" section. Please no budget, Its too hard to add deatils with limited Budget. Players have always said that the maps madein custom edition were the best in existance.


6.Lighting, weather and nature. If I want a that is in the night, I can do it. Also let the weather effect combat. (wind that effects sniping, but the SCOUT armor varient can tell you where to shoot.) If the SPARTAN program was real the armor woud tell the soilder EVERYTHING about his enviroment. Plus, random indigios animals would add more realism to the battlefield.If possable add in waves,storms and lightning that can kill you, but hardly ever have it happen.


7. Highly interactive maps. If Iwanto place a bomb behind me in the ship to take out a few enemys, I can ram it into the wall. If I want to jam a door until it is distroyed I can shoot the control panel. If I wat to make a barrrier I can. PS, make most parts of a map destroyable that way a bomb going off will behave realisticly and if its in the wall next to space, stuff ( including plays and AI) will get sucked into space.But put in emergency doors that close,so not everything gets distroyed. Also have hidden air ducts so you can sneak to the objective.


That all I can think of. Please Add on to this thank you and God Bless America





(If you people reading this agree with me, then Email this to 343, please, for the sake :idea: of Halo, do it.)


if you are reading this, put this in your game! DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP BUNGIE DID! I've checked and these are the most popular ideas that the fans want to see in your games. I understand that some might not be possilbe, but that is what made Halo great to begin with. It took the idea of a video and redefined it. It made everyone who played it go "holy ****" and other game companies cry like little babys. Halo was the top dog, the one to beat. Bungie made the mistake of not continually changing the idea ofa video game, exept in the storyline, and so they abandonded what made Halo so great. Please,for the sake of the millions of Halo fans, keep the Halo 1 mentality. Blow the game outof perportion! Place these and what else you think of into your game and Halo shalretake its old title, wher if you arn't obbsessed with it you will look like a dumba**.


1. Put all of the campagin things into the online on huge maps. Pelicans, Phantoms, Scrabs, AA Wraths, Ect.

2. Put in armor that needs only achements (make a few hard like Hyabusa in Halo 3). Also have some that need cr and achements or cr and rank.

3. Have each armor piece effect you. EOD protects against explosions, but slows you down. CQB protects against shotguns and improves energy sword deflects. Make the knife an attachment that improves hand to hand (and assassinations). Also, many people want custom armor.( don't know how that would work, but it would be sweet and I'm sure that 343 can do it.)

4. Forgable Firefight maps. Taking custom games to a whole new level.

5. Flood AI gametype. Somthing to make COD shove "Zombies" up its... you get the point. Also make it possable to win, hard but beatable.

6. Ground up forging. You can choose the terrain bulidings/ships (people want online space battles, connected to the ground if possible.) Thes style should be custom as well. (Covanant, Human, Flood, Forerunner and whatever else you guys have in store.)This includes firefight. It would be amazing to havea grunt filled Rupe Goldburg machine.

7.AI integrated online play. For example, take Invasion, add AI's to both sides ( hunters, grunts, brutes, marines, ODST's, everything)aqnd let them be able to pick up objectives (bombs, Data cores, Ect.) and fullfill them like a player would.

8.First person options for vehicles. (I've always wondered what splatered grunt juice looks like on your visor)

9. Weapon inprovements. (supressors, sights that allow for headshots onguns such as the AR, and other thing that you can think of.)

10. Custom Campagin. Let custom maps have theatrics and campain stlye objective the cam be limked so players can make their own story.

11. Larger maps will need larger teams. My friends have sugested 24-32 players. Even more if you decide to link air and land battles.

12. In field weapon and vehicle customization/improvements. Also ground up vehicles in forge would be a god send.

13. 1st Person Presentaion. Halo's stroy is the best I've yet seen. If you keep the actions the Cheif does in first person, this little touch will add a lot of epic effect to it. To bring back Halo you must blow Battlefield 3 out ofthe water. Remember, they have only Earth. You have an ENTIRE galaxy AND the Forerunners! With a different graphics engine and better presentaion of cinimatics you will have spawned a game that truly gives justice to the Halo franchiseand will leavean ipression on the hearts of millions.

14. have destroyable bulidings and ships. That way, if I want to make an assult map that has its target in a buliding, so when the bomb goes it collapses on itself, it can happen. (Make this an OPTION, that way you can have both!)

15. Improve the music!!! Halo 3 and Halo3 ODST's music sent chills down my spine. Reach's not so much, many other others agree. (Are you going to get Martin O'Donall and Salvitorie (forgot his name) to make the music again? I think they're the best pair sence Cheif and Cortona.


I hope you find this advice helpful, for I've worked many hours finding this information out. I do pray you use it and get Halo back on its feet.



Wow.... That's awesome. But I can think of more.... And can you fit all that on a disk?

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Hello everyone. I've got some ideas of my own that I'd like to share.

First thing I'd love to see is maybe a use for armor. It would have to incorporate a new layer to the online experience by adding: Armor Protection Level, Character Weight, Faster Reload Times, Upgraded Shield Regeneration, and maybe Character Size. Each piece of Armor added to your character would effect one of these new effects. It would be a big update but I think players would be able to incorporate new strategies into their game play.

Then I'd love it if they added some more vehicles. The vehicles introduced in Halo Wars were amazing. I mean if I could drive something like the Vulture on a map the size of Forge World, I would be SO HAPPY!

From there, I'd only expect some new levels. Personally a enlarged Last Resort from Halo 3 would be great addition to the maps available. I'd like to see some big flat plains or maybe something more like Sandbox.

I guess finally I'll complain about Halo Reach's Forge :huh: . I hate how every other item in Forge has a different style. They're either the dark pieces or those light shaded pieces with glass pieces. They should have just made all of the pieces look more like the ones with the glass pieces. Also there should have been some more formal shapes for us to play with. I mean how crazy could it be to want a simple circular platform? Oh well, that could just be me.

I do realize most of my ideas could never happen, but I wanted to see what all of you would think. :good:


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I agree with you on just about everything, armor abilities took the best game ever and ****** it...change isn't always the best thing I can say the same thing for bloom as well. The only thing I don't agree on is the 32 player thing, halo is a game for skill and team work..if you add that many players it will just be a bunch of kids running around and that's not cool....anyways I like how you think man and I do hope 343 keeps up the good work

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I really dont like how you are trying to boss them around even if you said "im not trying to" you are! its 343's game now let go of what bungie did cus they screwed up a LOT! thank you.

Do you really think so?? All you that don't agree with him are creapy boys that don't have any hope about your life

Halo "evolution" or "re-master" is ok but they are completly changing parts of the story (When I mean parts is not all,I knowed you will correct me)Also bungie made a big mistake: Where do you see armor habilities on halo 3? 343 industries is making a good job,it's first game,I like the graffics but please don't ruin halo. (Halo 2 best halo ever).


C u.

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sir il have you know that i am 15 and alot of people arent little i have been playin since i was 4 and i truely love halo so direct you hat ont to the fanbase but to individuals... and guess where all the money i make goes, thats right saving til halo 5 and 6 come out and other halo games hmmm and what else.... a 60 round ASSULT RIFLE WILL BE STUPID BECAUSE ITS TO MUCH AMMO FOR ONE CLIP and besides a 40 round one would be cool though. and if you dont like reaches then dont hold it tap it for the bloom prob that every on hates... sooo in all conclusion dont hate appreciate

Watch CEA trailer there is a 60 round rifle assault so discuss it with 343 industries :)

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I completely disagree with yuo, this will be a game more like reach, halo is about skill, i miss those days back in halo 2 and 3, you said nothing sabout the AA, and how bad they are and how the ranking system, the skill rank and the players rank is soo messed up and no existing ading these things will make it look like COD and BF3 combined, no please dont do thid 343, make this a classic game again, no more dumb crap like invasion and armour making and gun customizing, just dont, trust me u will lose are your fans and i will help those fans leave you forever.

I do agree with no gun customization, just add in supressed varients. Halo needs to have more, but I do agree, if it isn't a Halo when played, DON NOT DO IT. These things have been in the campaigns, but with little or no interaction. All I want is that the Halo feel is passed into online as well.

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Do you really think so?? All you that don't agree with him are creapy boys that don't have any hope about your life

Halo "evolution" or "re-master" is ok but they are completly changing parts of the story (When I mean parts is not all,I knowed you will correct me)Also bungie made a big mistake: Where do you see armor habilities on halo 3? 343 industries is making a good job,it's first game,I like the graffics but please don't ruin halo. (Halo 2 best halo ever).


C u.

Only thing changed is the graphics, plus terminals and skulls. Thats it.

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Dear 342 every time ive gone into fire fight on court yard ive had to deal with at least one person hiding in one of the over hangs and staying there till the game is over

the only time they get out is when the kill them selves

im not asking u to send anyone to recruit (but it would be nice) im simply asking to fix the problem and ad a kill barrier or something in there

for proof of what im talking about i recorded 10 minuts of a guy camping in there wile i actualy played the game go to my file share,BLACKDEVIL91210, and see the file entitled 10 minutes of camping

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9.Please make Sprint a button, you have to have watched youstube, or read the forums, or just know from experience. AMROR ABILITYS ARE STUPID. if you disagree with me your not a halo fan, your a 12 year old who spams armor lock,invisability,and jet pack. the evade is ok and the bubble shield is pointless, but sprint is interesting,plus for the button layout is uniqe for it. but we all agree just make sprint a button, dont add armor abillitys, nobody like them and they ruined reach in alot of ways.

Gawd no!


That's definitely not something we all agree on. Sprint is rubbish and only serves to slow down the gameplay and frustrate players. We don't need any AAs. End of story.

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I want sprint to be incorporated into the button system. If they have the use of armor abilities, then have evade or something, or hell make a new way of the way halo 3 did it, I don't know about you guys, but I liked rushing toward the invisibility or overshield before the other guys. I would like to pick up abilities rather then choose. If anything change the ability menu and make it slightly like COD where you can choose just what weapon class you want and be able to use the one you picked out.

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i agree but im not sure about all of the armor abilities but i would like to see is

no fall damage

pelicans,phantoms, and spirits in forge

those passenger warthogs in forge

falcons have guns and can have people ride in the empty seats in the back

the ability to play as grunts,jackals,brutes, skirmish, hunters,

bring back the smg and the brute shot please those were my favorite

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i agree but im not sure about all of the armor abilities but i would like to see is

no fall damage

pelicans,phantoms, and spirits in forge

those passenger warthogs in forge

falcons have guns and can have people ride in the empty seats in the back

the ability to play as grunts,jackals,brutes, skirmish, hunters,

bring back the smg and the brute shot please those were my favorite


Well, the fall damage thing is more realistic to me, I mean if you fall 15 feet, it will hurt a little bit. I think maybe they should just nerf it a bit, cause a spartan with energy shielding will probably just get a ***** in the shield if they fell that far. Also, Master Chief didnt take fall damage, and the past two protaganists did because they werent as strong. So expect their to be no fall damage in Halo 4, if so their probably wont be to much.


The Brute shot might not make it back, just because MC is headed to a new Forerunner installation and all the human and covenant weapons we know of are only on the Dawn. (Ship he is on) So their might be a few plasma rifles and pistols, but mainly human weapons I think. So I think their might the SMG, BR, AR and possibly the DMR might make it back.


These are all possibilities BTW

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