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Forge Virgin Advice and Tips

Spectral Jester

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After my brief exposure to the hell and death that is a community playdate lol

I have a question about forge.

Now firstly i would ask you to remember this i have never used it, nor do I understand it, but it has inspired me to try it out. So with that in mind i ask this question


When placing pieces together, and your lining them up, is there a way to automatically snap them together so they line up perfectly or do you have to do it manually, tweaking it over and over.


I ask as I am thinking of doing a map over / in water. But lining them up seems such a pain in the *&$%£^&


So now that you have stopped laughing, how about helping a forge virgin?


Also any good tips are always welcome

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After my brief exposure to the hell and death that is a community playdate lol

I have a question about forge.

Now firstly i would ask you to remember this i have never used it, nor do I understand it, but it has inspired me to try it out. So with that in mind i ask this question


When placing pieces together, and your lining them up, is there a way to automatically snap them together so they line up perfectly or do you have to do it manually, tweaking it over and over.


I ask as I am thinking of doing a map over / in water. But lining them up seems such a pain in the *&$%£^&


So now that you have stopped laughing, how about helping a forge virgin?


Also any good tips are always welcome

I have only briefly used forge also Jester but, just like you, playing on the maps has inspired me to give it a go. I have attempted forge only a handfull of times all ending with disgust and frustation, lol. My idea for a map is rather similar to the way you are thinking. (map over and in water) I did make an attempt at it this morning but after an hour, all I could get were 4 floor tile placements and a continually exploding Gauss Hog, lmao! Help is needed here also, lol! ANY advice would be appreciated!


Collaborating efforts maybe?? :thumbsup:

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Jester when you place your first piece use the "B" button to bring up the "Special Tools" menu and move your highlight to the "Edit Coordinates" selection and tap the "A" button. That locks it into an XYZ axis. Then when you have the next piece close to the first, just align them as best you can, then use the "B" button to bring up the "Special Tools" menu and move your highlight to the "Edit Coordinates" selection and tap the "A" button. This should lock them together. If not, try the process again until you figure it out. It is called "Snap Lock".

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a continually exploding Gauss Hog


drowned about 20 times


A->B delete all of these (if you have any left, if not you're scewed because forge is fun that way)

Make a grid (you probably already tried this), if your problem has nothing to do with water it may be that you tried making the object when your cursor was placed out of bounds (see line 1)


Jester when you place your first piece use the "B" button to bring up the "Special Tools" menu and move your highlight to the "Edit Coordinates" selection and tap the "A" button. That locks it into an XYZ axis. Then when you have the next piece close to the first, just align them as best you can, then use the "B" button to bring up the "Special Tools" menu and move your highlight to the "Edit Coordinates" selection and tap the "A" button. This should lock them together. If not, try the process again until you figure it out. It is called "Snap Lock".


putting your rotation snap to 90˚ (in the B menu) will let you use 'width' and 'depth' to easily snap two objects together. Some work on 45˚ but putting objects at lower rotation snap angles will make syncing them with any other objects harder with coordinate editing. To help with this i like to get the 'height' coordinate down and then angle my monitor facing vertically, this makes the the control for sliding objects much finer.

I still haven't figured out how to tweak height in such a way. Although picking a specific point of ground to place your cursor when first summoning an object, then doing so again will often produce two objects with the same 'height'. Be careful with this because editing the coordinates will choose the closest tenth of a 'height' unit (as well as doing so for 'width' and 'depth').

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:wallbash: ARRGHHH!! Forge is frustrating! Okay....attempted the "snap" feature after a very thorough walkthrough by AD and an issue continually pops up. Started out simple with 5 x 5 blocks for a floor (just to try the snap-lock on my own). The problem that I continue to have is that when I get the two tiles in close proximity, it either snap-locks too high or too low. So I still find myself making fine-tune adjustments which lead to another hour of frustration (gave up and played anniversary snipers, lol. I hate playing snipers)

You can also hold down the left thumb-stick to "fine tune" pieces. It slows down movement so you can be more accurate.

This really does work. AD's explanation..."Hold down left thumb-stick until you feel it click. Feel that? That is a 'gear'." The gear feature ROCKS!! AD found out qucikly how much of a "Noob" in Forge I really am and Quilts found it rather amusing as well, lmao!!

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:wallbash: ARRGHHH!! Forge is frustrating! Okay....attempted the "snap" feature after a very thorough walkthrough by AD and an issue continually pops up. Started out simple with 5 x 5 blocks for a floor (just to try the snap-lock on my own). The problem that I continue to have is that when I get the two tiles in close proximity, it either snap-locks too high or too low. So I still find myself making fine-tune adjustments which lead to another hour of frustration (gave up and played anniversary snipers, lol. I hate playing snipers)


This really does work. AD's explanation..."Hold down left thumb-stick until you feel it click. Feel that? That is a 'gear'." The gear feature ROCKS!! AD found out qucikly how much of a "Noob" in Forge I really am and Quilts found it rather amusing as well, lmao!!

Always remember to use the "Snap Lock" move on the original or beginning block. All things in forge set to and invisible grid.

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I was also a noob not too long ago. However, I have the patience of an anorexic sitting in the kitchen during Thanksgiving preparation. I taught myself the hard way because most forgers are egotistically driven (or complete@$$holes) and don't have time to share their knowledge and experience. It has developed a bad wrap for forgers in general. That's why I have tried to take certain forgers under my wing and show them the basics of forging. Anyone is welcome to join me during one of my forge projects and ask questions while I am forging. I will also show you some of the tricks of the trade that have been shown to me by some of the big named forgers. Keep in mind that not all forgers are good at every part of forging like gameplay, aesthetics, easy navigation, triggers, etc. Sometimes you have to find your niche and develop it. i won't claim to know all things in forge because that's ridiculous but whatever I can't answer I will have a friend who can. Always excited to hear new people trying to forge. Remember we are the future of this game. L8tr

p.s. although I will try to stay very active in this forum I also work full-time and go to school every night from 5-11 so my time is limited. If you don't get a hold of me on here then just message me and if I can help I will.

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  • 2 months later...

Just to give general advice, don't try to take on too much with your first few maps. It will seem overwhelming at first but just always have a concept of the finished product in mind. Then take it one step at a time. Functional should always trump stylish.

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I'm going to add something to this. Colosseum walls. They do not always snap together when you edit the coordinates. Occasionally when you are trying to build a floor, there will be a bump, and you won't be able to get rid of the bump by editing snaps or coords. So what do you do?


First, you spawn a grid (or two), then edit the coords of the grid. Then, you set the Colosseum walls to "Physics: Normal" (press X and look for physics, it should be set to phased). Fixed also works, but not as well as normal. Then you set the Colosseum walls on top of the grid and edit the coords of them so they are nice and even with each other. Then, you go in and set the physics to "fixed", if you were using normal. Don't set them to phased, because they may glitch. Your Colosseum floor should now be done :D


This also works with other hard to snap items.

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