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Beginner Tips for New and Novice forgers.

Absolute Dog

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For newer and less experienced forgers I have a few simple recommendations to help you get started with a map.


1) Set preferences to "offline" to limit distractions.


2) Turn off notifications to further limit distractions.


3) Make sure you have a good idea of what game type you are creating your map for.


4) Use the "Grid" tool for alignment, it will save you time later.


5) Initially place a respawn point on the map in case of accidental death while forging. It gets annoying flying as a monitor across Forge World.


6) Get the basic structure of the map in place before you too many individual components. The basic structure of the map is, to me, the most important feature to ensure a good design and playability.


7) As you place arbitrary features, revert to player mode to check shooting lines, jump height of components and aesthetic value, if a concern. This will hopefully lessen time in corrections later.


8 ) Save your map on occasion, especially before each new jump into different areas, and give the initial name then a 1, 2, 3, etc. for easier access to previous versions if you choose to follow a different forge design. (Example: Tilt 1, Tilt 2, Tilt 3, etc.)


9) Before you leave your forged map the first time, place a red and blue initial spawn point and remove the Forge World spawns in the cave. This way you will be sure to spawn in you map the next time you load it.


Okay, these are a few beginner tips in forge that I hope will help.

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