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What's your Sniper Rifle Headshot %?


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Have you ever wondered exactly how good you are with the Sniper Rifle? There's a simple way of finding out.


> Go to your Reach Service Record at Bungie.net

> Go to 'Medals' on the sidebar on the left, under the 'Career Stats' subtitle.

> Write down how many Sniper Kill medals you have

> Go to 'Weapons' on the sidebar on the left, just below 'Medals'

> Write down how many kills you have with the Sniper Rifle

> Use a calculator to divide how many Medals you have by how many Kills you have

> Multiply the resulting number by 100

> Congratulations! This is your Sniper Headshot %!


For example, I have 610 kills with the Sniper Rifle, and 430 Sniper Kill medals. 430 divided by 610 is 0.7049, so my Sniper Headshot % is 70.49.


This will give you a rough indication of how good a sniper you are - the higher the number, the more likely any kill you get will be a headshot rather than two body hits. Of course, this doesn't account for how many shots just miss altogether - luckily for me, or mine would be much lower.


This can be a fun way to compare how you stack up with the rest of the community, and if we get enough people to answer we can work out a rough average.


So, what's your Sniper Headshot %?

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My results as of Monday 30/1/2012


KEY (Game mode: Head shot kills:Total kills - Percentage)


Invasion: 1:3 - 33%

Competitive: 45:76 - 59.21%

Firefight: 832:2,767 - 30.06%

Custom: 1:4 - 25%


OVERALL TOTAL: 879:2,850



>< Thats my grade... I have the "Church Complex" :(


Though truthly, the large amount of usage with the sniper rifle is when Im making maps on forge, its makes a great survering tool :)

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