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Happy Chinese New year!

Is not JL

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Most of you probably don't care, but, yeah. Happy Chinese New Year. Good fortune to all. If I were a bit older I'd probably be giving money to quite a few of you guys right now but nah. February is another time for us to get money and give it away - unless we're not 'adults' - so yet more money for a gaming budget that'll be spent on DLC's for a repetitive skinner box game and other things for me.


More info for the people who haven't left yet: This year is the year of the Lamb, and we're celebrating generally by eating a crap ton of food that I actually kinda hate with our families, cohesively bringing sharks one step closer to extinction by slicing up their fins then dumping it in chicken soup and calling it rich cultured food, and giving well wishes to everyone. Everybody's also creating a crap town of pollution blowing everything up, wasting things by throwing them around, and some people have taken an extra step and decided to pretend they're a lion and walk around with a rainbow box on their head while dancing to a set of drums and cymbals and doing acrobatic stuff.


and uh yeah






Good fortune to all, hope you're all staying healthy.




Happy CNY.

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