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Diagnose The Member Above You

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Hey 343, Thought of a fun game for the offbeat section! It's rules are similar to Ban the user above you game. The point is to diagnose the member above you with a strange never heard of phobia, disease, or any kind of psychological problem. Use your imagination, be creative!


This thread is intended for nice clean fun! Try not to use anything like "STD" or something that people may take offensive such as mocking cancer. 


(Violating posts will be deleted, if violation persists, I will have a mod lock thread.)


Include a name for the problem, brief description, and how to fix it.


A good example would be someone posting below me. 


"Headphone Infection


Rash caused from listening to music with lethal amounts of bass.


Rub it with tin foil 3 times a day for 30 min. for the next three weeks."



Have fun guys!  :laughing: 



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Repugnance Syndrome


Vectors of this abnormality possess the uncanny ability to antagonize victims into belligerent and hostile acts which slowly lead to their psychological decay. 


Death is the only answer... They are monsters. 




P.S. I also have this, and a late symptom is verbosity. Incidentally, RedStarRocket91 has this too. 

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Clahalomydia, from not playing Halo with protection. Causes severe itching, redness and soreness of playing appendages.


Side effects include becoming a Herpa Derp Derpin7.


To soothe and calm inflamation, rub cold mixture of 3/4 sheeple spit and 1/4 Raspberey Icee to effected area. Apply twice daily till symptoms subside.

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Clahalomydia, from not playing Halo with protection. Causes severe itching, redness and soreness of playing appendages.

Side effects include becoming a Herpa Derp Derpin7.

To soothe and calm inflamation, rub cold mixture of 3/4 sheeple spit and 1/4 Raspberey Icee to effected area. Apply twice daily till symptoms subside.





Test Results have returned and you have bad case of the Wii Rash which causes severe itching in the gonadish area.


This comes from playing the Nintendo Wii too much (even a little is too much). Avoid using the Wii Board, Wii-Mote, Wii-Wheel, and other Wii devices.


Solution: Lotion and moisturizers to keep skin area smooth and healthy. If itching gets worse, see a doctor... or call in a nurse.

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Test Results have returned and you have bad case of the Wii Rash which causes severe itching in the gonadish area.


This comes from playing the Nintendo Wii too much (even a little is too much). Avoid using the Wii Board, Wii-Mote, Wii-Wheel, and other Wii devices.


Solution: Lotion and moisturizers to keep skin area smooth and healthy. If itching gets worse, see a doctor... or call in a nurse.


I hate to break it to you Mayh3m but you RedStarSyndrome


This results from being in close promixity with a RSR for long periods of time.


Symptoms include: severe nose bleeding, chronic potty time, and intense desires for syrup


Solution: Ask Azaxx for his holy blessing 

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I hate to break it to you Mayh3m but you RedStarSyndrome


This results from being in close promixity with a RSR for long periods of time.


Symptoms include: severe nose bleeding, chronic potty time, and intense desires for syrup


Solution: Ask Azaxx for his holy blessing 




Sorry to say this but... You have Zoidbergitis, it's likely you were too close to Zoidberg related material and it spread to you. Symptoms are hard red skin, 'Whooping', or running around yelling "WHOOPWHOOPWHOOP", and an addiction to dumpsters.


Solution: Apply 1 medium sized arrow to your left knee.

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Hold up! Nobody move! Someone here has Vestigial Corruption Of Manually Moved Appendages Into A Homo-Potatois Disease!


This affliction... this plague... causes:


1. Loss of motor function in limbs.

2. Then suddenly extreme pain, and inability to move at all.

3. THEN All appendages slowly fall off in different order.

4. The only thing left is your body, and Head. Your hair begins to fall out.

5. You become a Human Potato.


Oh no... Caboose! IT'S YOU!!! NOOOOOO!!


Treatment: Oops there is none. Looks like your going to be a *Couch Potato* (Ehh? Ehh?) For the rest of your life.


There is prevention though. Don't eat Potatoes. Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires.

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You have Ugly Barnacle Syndrome.


It comes from using a grotesque avatar image over long periods of time.


Solution: Wear a black headband to reverse the aging process.


Cyantific-Txtr Disorder


Caused by a non-NG member using the color cyan (00ffff) excessively resulting in extreme confusion and intolerance of any minty shades.


Solution: Stop using cyan, try a new color

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BZ, I would head to the local clinic ASAP!  Apparently you have been diagnosed with...


Forcitis Imaculatus.  Forcitis is a serious condition caused by strain induced from thinking one has "force" powers.  This disease may cause swelling and or leaking of the anus when straining, itching, rash, nausea and complete bladder control lose when bending over.  Lucky for you we have Obi-Wan's Rear Admiral Cream.  Apply a generous portion between both cheeks and around the inner thigh to maximize lubrication and soothe sore areas.  Apply 9 times daily until effected areas clear up or you realize your not a Jedi.  Side effects of the cream include, involuntary vomiting, lose of consciousness, fever, heavy sweating, possible Gerbil death, amnesia and or loss of all motor skills.  Ask your doctor if your healthy enough for sex while taking Obi-Wan's.


But WAIT!  If you act now and call within the next 15 mintues, we'll double your order!  You'll get 2! tubes of Obi-Wan's Cream, the Butt Towel, and Obi-Wan's Light Saber Anal Plug...All for just $9.99!  Call now!  1-800-286-7589 (1-800-BUM-PLAY)

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