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Raiku chapter 4


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Chapter 4





Atlanta, GAP HQ, shuttle bay, 11:00 AM, April 3, 2100.


Carry sat on the large grenade crate, her arm was healing, it stung a bit. Her enhancements would heal her body faster. Today was a special day, Dr. Cole agreed to give a tour of the N.C.F. Facility. He was excited! He was finally going to show his two years worth of progress. Carry was excited! But worried in a way, these animals were very mysterious, many did not know what went on in the facility. Scared, she was nervous to find what lied beyond.


“Carry, we're leaving soon, get Raiku!” someone called out. She nodded, then went up to the elevator heading up to the roof.


Raiku stood near the edge, silent as the soft breeze blew on the sensitive skin. It was orange with brown stripes, like a tiger. The roof door opened, and he turned quickly before Carry emerged, her hair blowing in the wind.


“Hey, we're leaving soon.” Carry was near him as she walked.


“Mm, alright then.” the cyborg continued to look out the city, watching the hovering vehicles and holographic lights.


Carry stood by him, seeing the great view. She wondered if he was socially confused at times, being away from many people must have made him isolated. If that were true, she was not that different to him. Carry was a very shy, yet fun person to hang with. She always listened, if she was not nervous to talk. She was known to be very nice, but a very efficient killer when she needed to be, always trusted when they needed her most.


“...I just wanted to thank you, for saving me..”


“...It's no problem, it's my job.”


Carry smiled, her cheeks were slightly rosy. “Are you always by yourself?”


The cyborg froze, “Mostly, I stay with my teammates however.”


“Well. You can always talk to me.”


Raiku watched as she smiled, in an attempt to return it he nodded. The sound of a ghostly near quiet engine grew closer. The GAP dropship rose close to the edge, stopping.


“Hey Carry come on!!” Petrica said happily from the ship voice amplifier.

The two looked at each other, humorously giggling.


The N.C.F. Building stood out in the city, it's grey and light blue exterior, and many large windows made it look like a office building. Standing tall in the bright cloudy day. The 100 story building had a fancy candle shape, a large concrete ring around the bottom, making lots of shade, held by pillars. It looked like a pyramid.

The top of the building had the large helipad. On it, stood Dr. Cole, the 36 year old black mad stood still, staring at the sky. His beard and mustache jiggling in the wind. In the distance, the dropship eased to the pad, not in a rush. Raiku and Carry stuck close to each other as the ship hovered. The craft ascended to the pad, the thrusters shuck his white lab coat and brown shirt. The ship landed easily, the 3 troopers hopped out, then Carry and Raiku came.


“Welcome!” Cole said, “To my facility.”


The three troopers consisted of Kert, Vadilda and Glard. Glard was a tall man, 6'0 and very thin. The light skinned black man was Carry's best and closest friend. The nice guy of the group.

Taking off her helmet, Vadilda Wong was a woman of Asian heritage. Her black short hair shuck wildly around wind, feeling cold to her pale tan skin. The short woman was very thin, but stronger then she looked.


“Please to see you again, sir.” Kert said shaking his hand, seeing the other scientist behind him.


“Like wise commander.” Cole had a very excited calm voice. “Miss Carry, glad to see you.”


“Hello sir.” she had known him for quite some time now, since 3rd grade.


“I see you have not aged much at all, haha.” he cheerfully joked with her. He turned to Raiku, tall and motionless as he stared at him. “Raiku, glad to see you. I see you have survived the night.”


Raiku paused before speaking, happy to see his creator once more, “Like wise, sir.”


“Please please, come! We have a lot to show you!” Dr. Cole lead everyone, the other scientists opened the double door, and everyone eased inside.


The stairs ended and everyone walked in a hallway. The nice wooden floored hall had plants on the side, and many lights on the ceiling. Across it was a elevator, opening as they got to it.


“This place has held its secrets for long enough, it is time to, show off.” Cole said, and the elevator hissed close.


The elevator stopped, and beyond them, was the most advanced lab in the world. From the bared balcony, many people scattered around the PCs and testing areas. Light from all directions bounced off the warrior's armor, their eyes gleaming. The large curvy window let sunlight in, showing the best view of the city. Many consoles were seen.


“Welcome, to the N.C.F.” Cole said.


Carry only watched the awesome lab. Many holographic PCs were seen, many flickered. She turned to Raiku, he watched quietly. He seemed very impressed at the lights and people.


“This is only the process of other work, the main work is in this room, this way.” Cole said.


The group walked to the other room, down the stairs beside the balcony, seeing a large bared door. The scientists pulled out his keycard, sliding it, then the machine he slid it on said [Accessing...Dr. Cole] the door hissed open, showing a big room like the other. Instead it had large hourglass-shaped pillars. The group entered inside, the room was darker, windows were not seen, the room had many retro colored lights, it looked like a dance party room.


“This is our cloning and extraction room. It has dark parts because the crystals we use is very sensitive to certain temperatures.”


“Crystal?” Vadilda asked, sounding raspy.


“Oh, that's right. Not everyone knows. Many years ago, on 2050, a ice explorer and his team found a large crystal. It was 3 feet long and very very thick. When they and other scientists dug in to it, they found something.. They found prehistoric DNA, from many parts of the Mesozoic era, they found dinosaur DNA. Preserved for many years, every known dinosaur species was found. Many ancient mines were found, spread across the world, a limitless supply of DNA. Later, it was leaned that one of the many alien species here came here millions of years ago, they studied the dinosaurs. As things got rough, they wanted to save them, they wanted to preserve them. They took samples of blood from them, sealing them in crystals. They saved them for any lifeforms smart enough to bring them back to life, they wanted us to bring them back to life.”


The gang looked in amazement, Kert rubbed his chin, the discovery of the crystal was one of the best phenomenons of the world. Paleontology was in its most exciting times! Many theories were proven right and wrong. The many productions of zoos started, many great mesozoic creatures were set around for the world to see. Thus formed the N.C.F., one of their jobs was to send these creatures to zoos and nature reserves. 100s of nature reserves were scattered across the world, many dinos lived happily in the wild. But there was one really important rule, theropods were illegal, big and super dangerous ones. The most people could make were animals like compsognathus, which were sold as pets. 100S of N.C.F. facilities were all over the world, but the Atlanta headquarters was the main base.

When things got chaotic against the Kasara, Dr. Jermya Cole could not help but care, wanting to put his work to other uses. He wanted to help make bioweapons. He had a hard time with the government, but eventually let him do his work, no thanks to Kert. Thus training began, and the two year long wait took place.


“What about extraction?” Glard said.


“This way.” Cole said, “This is where we do it.”


People 5 feet away sat on chairs. Drilling the purple glowing crystal pieces, inches from reddish-clear masses of DNA. Cameras attached to the microscopes let the Cop Troopers see the needles moving in the tunnels they created. The people switched tools with a click of a small handle, and the needles sucked away the precious blood, filling up the needles.


“As you can see, we take very good care of our finds. We get shipments every week. This man is carefully extracting the DNA, the DNA strand is already complete, they all are, later we will form a embryo and a egg for it to grow in. But, to speed things up, who wants to see a baby dinosaur?” the group nodded, “Splendid! Let's go.”


The group walked by a few large windows overlooking the city, sun beamed down Carry as she squinted. The group walked past more PCs and whatnot, past scientists. Ahead, a large door like the one before was in sight, it said “HATCHERY” Cole slid the card like before, and the door opened. The light blue mist eased out, as the troopers saw the amazing hatchery. The large room had many small rounded counters, above them, were rounded glass pieces that could cover them. In the counters, were eggs, covered and around leaves. The room had lights that were kinda dim, people were around the eggs, checking on them as some took notes.


“This is our hatchery. This is where the magic happens...” Cole sounded really happy, showing his work excited him. “We keep it at 90 degrees, this mist is the humidity, Jurassic air. Our eggs may hatch very soon, dinosaurs usually take two to three months, but it depends on the species.” he walked forward as the group looked at the eggs, each counter had labeled dino names.


Next to a baby parasaurolophus, Pam Billups held it in her arms, in a warm dark olive green blanket. The baby cuddled with her chest and blanket with its nose, lightly chirping. The pale green skin and speckled dark green spots made it cuter. It had four limbs, a duck bill, and a short crest at the back of its head. Pam looked up as the group came to her, she cuddled the animal more, rocking it lightly.


Cole came over, “Ah, everyone, this is my assistant Pam Billups. She is our dinosaur veterinarian.”


“Nice to meet you all, I hope you enjoyed our tour.” Pam appeared as a black woman, a bit muscular, long black hair curled at the bottom, and light brown eyes that seemed to glow.


“It's been great.” Carry said, smiling, Glard and Vadilda nodded in agreement.


“It's all very nice Dr. Cole, but I'd like to see the cyborg building blocks if you don't mind.” Kert said.


“Yes, of course. This way.” The group was on the move again.


The group found themselves in a series of halls, many doors and consoles were seen. The scientists leading them stopped by a door, using the card again, the door had many protection bars and a tented window. The door had a label saying “ARTHERIZED PERSONAL ONLY. PREGNANT WOMEN ARE TO BE CATIOUS (TOXIC CHEMICALS AND FUMES),” Cation lines ran down the door. Carry grew more curious, just what the hell lied beyond that door?


“Be amazed everyone.” Cole said.


The door opened, and revealed the large, low lit room. Many technicians wearing thick gloves and mask were scattered around, welding armor parts together. The titanium X armor had many chemicals, producing fumes and whatnot.


“This is our armory, this is where we make the armor. We do many side projects here, making medicine is on of our specialties.”


“It's incredible...” Carry said to herself.


“Our titanium X armor is made up of many chemicals, forming together to make it. It can block bullets as you may have seen, nuclear explosions, strong impact, and rocket launchers.” Cole said, lifting up his coat. “Let's meet our supervisor. The gang walked to a man in the distance, welding parts together. “Everyone this is our tech designer, Chester Lang.”


Chester lifted up his mask, greeting everyone, his short spiky red hair was sweating. “Nice to meet you.”


“Chester designed Raiku's suit.”


“It was nothing, took me a few months of testing, but my progress is right by you.” he pointed at the cyborg, “As you can see on his blueprints, he has one of the most advanced suits in the world, in a way not to different from the Cop Trooper suits. His powers are mind activated like the visor features in your systems, he can direct it to do what ever he wants it to do” he pressed the button by him, and the projection unit showed the schematics of the suit in blue, “Many shock absorbers go on the shins, the cyborgs are able to withstand a fall of 2000 feet, able to withstand extreme pressure.”


Carry saw that the skull was not cybernetic, the ribs, neck, and everything else was bone. The limbs were mechanical, even the tail and feet.


“What about injections?” Kert said.


“What type of things are used for the cyborgs?” Vadilda asked.


“For that we go to this room.” he lead them to another room.. “Our cyborgs take approximately 6 months to grow, without enhancement, they grow very fast. At the time of adulthood, they are ready for surgery.”


“Surgery?” Carry questioned.


“You'll see...”


He went to a double door, and surprisingly the door hissed open itself. The cops found themselves in a long hallway. And on each side, tall glass separated them from the many raptors on gurneys. As they walked, people operated on them. Carry noticed as they had metallic parts near them. They were metallic limbs for the creatures.


“We use the most advanced cybernetics, to make these advanced limbs, the artificial bones. 100 times stronger then normal, shock absorbers, allowing amazing strength and speed. They are bio mechanical, made from our best alien scientists, these allow the bones to grow with the animal, the bones are a part of them.” he paused, seeing as everyone stared at him then the surgeries.


Carry saw as the operator lifted up the arm bone, it looked like a car piece. She gently set it in the open, lifeless arm of the drugged animal, attaching the veins to it. She looked in disgust and amazement, the surgery was awesome, better then her field trips. She was curious to know more.


“When these guys are finished, they will get use to their new bodies. It took Raiku only a week, while the others took 3, normally it's 2. After that, they take their injections, this way.”


The hall had a door at the end. As the door opened, the group saw the same thing, only each room was white. The rooms had tables, and laying on them were raptors. Large machines hung over them, like large mechanical arms. They held needles as they slowly got to the skin, sinking the needles in the soft skin, these were the augmentation rooms.


“We use a variety of things to improve combat. For strength we use a alkaloid called serineum-10, made from a variety of tropical plants, used to help muscle growth. We enhance it to increase strength by 100 times, these cyborgs can lift things 1000s of times their weight.”


“Serineum-10 isn't that illegal to modify?” Kert said.


“Yes, but things changed when the government liked my idea of cyborgs, hehe. We use corel for reflex enhancement, these animals have superb night vision, so we don't mod that. As for his voice, we use translators to help understand his raptor language, you see that device wrapped around his neck?” the team looked at the little device, it was light blue with 6 button functions.


“The cyborgs will then be sent to many places in the world to train, two years like Raiku.”


Carry dozed off as she looked at the needles going through the skin, watching the orange liquid of serineum-10 pumped in it, the other needle was at the tail, using the purple liquid of corel. She noticed as Raiku looked at his fellow species, looking concerned.


“I have one more thing to show you, this way.”


The group followed him to a door, it hissed open as they walked to it. They walked in a long, dim lit hall, it had many low blue lights looming above, the hall reminded Vadilda of a freezer. Dr. Cole walked about till he went to a guarded door, it had two cops holding rifles. It needed a key card, so he slid it. The door opened, and Carry felt the cold mist of the cold room. She looked inside, many shelves were around, holding the many DNA crystals showing their blue lights. The group walked in slowly, examining the wonder around them.


“This is our storage room. We take very good care of our stuff.”


Carry, with her mouth slightly open, grew closer to the pretty crystals. One was inches from her face, glowing as her eyes glinted, the mist flowed from it. Out of curiosity, she picked one up gently, feeling the coldness from her glove, feeling relaxed as she examined the light...


“You've never shown me this room Dr...” Raiku said looking at the crystals.


“Mmm, well you deserve to, Raiku. Feel free to stay as long as you want.”


Kert spoke, “Well that's a nice offer but we may need--” his walky talky picked up a voice, a cop from the base, “What is it?”


“Sir, you gotta come back, it's an emergency.”


“Alright, see'ya there.” he hung up, “Looks like we'll have to cut the tour short I am afraid.”


“Well that's quite fine, I enjoyed showing you my job, captain.”


Carry set the crystal down, and followed the group. They went out the elevator, and walked across the large lobby. It had wooden floors, large tan pillars, plants, and looked similar to the labs. Sunlight beamed down the floors.


Cole spoke, “I am quite sad I didn't show you my party room.” he was lightening up the mood, “It even has a fountain, our birthdays can be celebrated there.”


“RAIKU!!!!!!” a girl running to the group called, the petite, light skinned black teen ran quickly. She made it to him, hugging him by the neck. “I missed you!” The daughter of Cole, Teshinna Cole was 16, her pale blue A shirt and red shorts felt comfy to Raiku. She had straight, wild brown hair that touched her cat ears, her brown striped tail moved freely. The girl was half neko, a human-like, cat-like species that thrived earth.


“Nice to see you to, Teshinna.” Raiku said, he had known her for years, but Dr. Cole was the first thing he saw as he was born. He had a strong connection with him. He. in a way, was his father. He treated him like a father. Carry knew his daughter since 8, babysitting her as they grew a strong friendship.


“How goes it Teshinna?” Carry said.


“Great, school's out today so I have the whole day off.” after Raiku acknowledged that, she spoke again, “So how long are ya staying?”


“Unfortunately we have something to do.” Kert said.


“It's police work.” Carry added, “But I'll try to be back soon.”


“Ok, see'ya latter Raiku!” she scampered off, across the lobby, past a few receptionist.


“Let's go.” Kert said, and the group walked to the large two-way glass door.

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