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Working on Odd-Runner (Idea Thread)


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Hello guys! It is me as always... The very talented, Charming, And  very-  (Hey! Get on with it!!) Alright, alright...

So as none of you may know... Or do know, I am currently working on a new gametype Odd-Runner. You may have seen my picture in the the gallery for it. *I know there was a typo... :( *





So anyway, Odd-Runner is a gametype where a few people go at it with Railguns and Sticky Detonators, Armed with promethian vision. The people charge for the Odd-Ball. Who ever gets it gets the speed boost visual effect as well as a few traits. The maps are practically tracks, Like...  A lap track technically. And the man OR woman with the Odd-Ball must survive, even though the Odd-Ball DOES EXPLODE!!!! Stay Alert. Now, Each game is 3 minutes long, With three rounds. I'm still working a Beta version. But if ANYONE has suggestions, Feel free to post them here, As I'd love to see what the community can do to support I, The Dumb Marine, A good friend of all! -Thank you. :welcome:


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Railguns might be too powerful, and they're extremely deadly in the hands of a skilled player. Maybe the runner could have some over shields as well so they aren't taken out so quickly? Maybe the railgun should be a oridinace drop? You should try using other weapons then the railgun to see how they work. The sticky det seems perfectly ok though

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Perhaps a drag race setup could be made, where the carrier gets a speed boost and the track is straight.



Keeping the straight foward idea in mind, I made a drag race map, With two extra enviornments just for a longer map.












This is just a first map, Depending on how it works. And don't worry, Credit goes to you for the idea, I get partial credit only for forging it. But the idea from what I've seen looks great. So yes, This is another update.


Also! I'm trying to learn how make the map so anything the player does can affect gameplay, Hopefully I can learn fast enough!! Thanks for reading as always!! -The Dumb Marine :)

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It's really awesome to see how passionate you are about this. When can we start helping you playtest this? 

It really depends on when I can get a few good test maps made, I also have to edit the gametype and test the damage by myself with another controller, To see how much damage they should take from certain weapons, I really am passionate for this, I have a good amount of people here like brothers and sisters to me, Practically everyone. But to people who hate Halo 4, I want to try to show them how good it COULD be if you set your mind to certain things and plan. But I would say around one to two weeks if I'm not caught up in any other things. I really appreciate the help you guys are giving me, So thank you all so much. :')


Thank you for reading. -The Dumb Marine.

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Odd-Runner Update #3

Yes, I know what your thinking... Another update in one day!? Well yes, To be honest, I'm quite hyper and excited about this, And I feel that I should give you guys some details atleast once or twice a day. Now, The picture for our special update...




Okay, Now as the main followers of this thread know, I HAVE made a drag race map. That will be our first map for testing when it is in a testing state. Now, I bet your wondering why making a few maps and a gametype is taking forever. Well it isn't my dumbness, Even though I will admit, Some of this is difficult. Not because forging in Halo 4 is hard, But its hard to think of what people would like, Will they like long maps?  Short maps? Drag race maps? Etc. I'm trying to add effects to the maps, Player created ups or downs which can give you can advantage by sabotaging the other players, And also a little fall, By knocking over the wrong item. Now, As you know I'm very pumped, And will take ideas that people have. I'm also going to try getting some nice wallpapers out as well near the time it comes out. You've already seen one. Which is in my FileShare on the website. Now, I wanted to tell you all mainly... What type of effects would you like to see? Explosions? Falling Items? Really anything, As I will try to the best of my ability to make it happen.  So if you are still reading this, I'm quite amazed, And thank you for your attention. Next on the list as well we should cover...




Now, Some have asked about map and gametype testing, And I will answer this question by telling you that I want to hopefully start testing in one to atleast two weeks from now. The more time I have to work, The more fun it should be, Results may vary by player of course, As we are all human and we have different likes and dislikes. So, The testing question is now out of the way. And now the next part.




Yes, You heard me right there sir or ma'am. Once this is finalized, I will keep making maps every now and then, And we can hold some gamenights to play it! As well as other gametypes and maps of course, Don't want it getting too boring, Right? I really don't have prizes to give out sadly, I can try to get things for the top three performers, But sadly my budget is pretty screwed up at the moment... :(

But don't worry! The fun and the memories are more valueable, Right? You bet they are.




So, In conclusion to this post... (Yes, I'm sorry for it being so long...) I want to thank anyone and everyone that has given me support in the past day! I really appreciate it! And remember, If you have any ideas, Let yourself be heard! I'd love to hear your suggestions!!

If you have something to suggest that you don't want to share with the public, Just contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for reading!!!

-The Dumb Marine :welcome:

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when i first read this, i thought "a bad idea that wont work". then i read through the update and i see it has 25% potential. when the time comes, post a video showing 1 full game. if i really like it, i might support it for matchmaking

Well as of now, I do not own a capture card. HOWEVER: I do have a friend or two who owns one.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Alright guys, I know its been awhile.. But I wanted to wait a bit for some news to get out. Alright so, December 2013 is the new release date. Mainly because of the fact that well.... Maps! And gametypes too. But mainly maps. I want to make a lot, I also  want to see if I can use the Forge Ball gametype to help me out with this project. Where the Runner may have to run to a certain goal instead of a repeated sprint. So the game can actually have a pretty legitimate ending. Also, I'm still trying hard with the "You shoot that you either live or die" effect. I'm also working on a Halloween themed map, That hopefully can be a good tester... No? But other than that, Thats pretty much the news for now. The guy TGS Shadowless who was at the Staff vs. Members will be helping me with the maps. So lets praise him! ......No? Oh, Alright.... But yeah, I'm trying hard. And with school... Well it has become pretty difficult. Most apologies -The Dumb Marine.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey everyone!! I know it has been a very... Very long time! And I apologize dearly for that. I have came back to dust off this thread and also... RELEASE A NEW UPDATE!!!!!! WOO!!!!


Alright! So now that I have the power of mods in my palms, I can now do things I never imagined I could've done. So here is a list of updates here.


#1. Oddball carrier colors now Yellow and Black

#2. Players chasing oddball holder are now Black and Orange

#3. Oddball holder can now sprint with the ball - Forever

#4. Oddball holder can take four shots from Railgun - Three to four shots from Sticky Det. (Depending on radius of impact)

#5. Oddball holder drops grenade on death

#6. Oddball timer still active

#7. Players chasing have damage boost effect - Doesn't boost damage

#8. Oddball carrier has Overshield effect - Doesn't increase shield capacity

#9. Oddball carrier has stability - Won't flinch and/or stop sprinting

#10. Oddball is automatically picked up



So those are our updates! I also wanted to hold a contest for whoever can make the best Odd-Runner maps, If anyone participates, You can make and post as many as you'd like. Just be sure it can hold a good amount of players. I'll choose a select few to be showcased, And tested as well. I will probably hold a playdate to have Odd-Runner tested with its "New engine" so to speak.


Thanks for reading! -TDM




The Chasers




The Runner


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You said you wanted maps right? Because I have just what you need.

https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/deathrhinoac130/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=4092fcf8-a607-4c27-9d9e-1cae3b93bb1d This map was created with Oddball in mind. Due to my lack of self promotion and due to unsuccessful attempts at creating the perfect Oddball gametype, this map was left in the dust like the rest of my maps. You should download some of the things you can find under my gamertag in the New Custom Search. There you will find a variety of maps and gametypes that I wish were less underrated.

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You said you wanted maps right? Because I have just what you need.

https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/deathrhinoac130/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=4092fcf8-a607-4c27-9d9e-1cae3b93bb1d This map was created with Oddball in mind. Due to my lack of self promotion and due to unsuccessful attempts at creating the perfect Oddball gametype, this map was left in the dust like the rest of my maps. You should download some of the things you can find under my gamertag in the New Custom Search. There you will find a variety of maps and gametypes that I wish were less underrated.


I have just sent it to my Xbox, Can't wait to see it! Thanks for the map! :)

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I have just sent it to my Xbox, Can't wait to see it! Thanks for the map! :)

The map is in a U shape, along with some shortcuts. The updates fix some of the weird angles in the walls. It should be pretty easy for the runner to get away, but it should also be easy for the chasers to hunt down the runner using the shortcuts.

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