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Halo 4 horrible game (in my opinion)


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Problem with classes Wolf is that it breaks the balance formula of old Halo games. Also no bloom hit scan makes every match a hyper battlerifle slugfest. Creativitys gone. Closeups are gone. Tactics and collaboration suffer from the exremly high gameplay tempo, and short kill times. Drops makes map locations more or less useless. Callouts is pointless - everybody sits on a power weapon at all times almost. I can't really recognize Halo as I remember it. Its a new game. A nicer looking game, but also a more frustrating and boring game. I still play though. I hope 343 will tweak it into gold somehow. :)

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Noob friendly? Oh that's the reason online is deserted for most and the lobbies of COD are full? Because COD is the non-noob game,

right?? Let me me set u straight; if anything this game >>>SCARE<<< casuals away.

WRONG. This game is easy. It's just that 1. It's so bad that it scares Halo fans away (Yes) and 2. Why the heck would Cod fans leave Cod for something that is similar yet still very far away from Cod, when they HAVE Cod, which is both much more fun for them and had much better gameplay mechanics than the boring Halo 4, which didn't actually reward you for being good.


Noob-Friendly? Oh, heck yes! This game takes no skill. Team Throwdown is a bit competitive, granted, but it is nowhere near how even the simple 'Team Slayer' was. 


Rank? First of all, you can progress to SR 130 in days if you wanted to. Days. 


Provided you lived in America. Had a lot of skill? Doesn't matter. That lowly noob over there can reach SR-130 easily. And then thats that. No more ranking up and replayability. 


CSR? Not in game, nope. Only visible in the place where about 5% of the community visits. I wouldve said 10%, but the amount of people who are 1. retarded over there and 2. Banned because they didn't like retards over there are just astounding. I've been banned, for what, I don't know. 


So, yeah. THe one ranking system that might dictate skill is not only at a web browser requiring phones and stuff, but it's also one that is just a pure 'official' copy of one that already exists.


Spartan Ops: Oh, you got to be kidding me. Call of Duty, a game many Halo players call 'bad', features a game where you can play on for nearly infinite rounds against tons and tons of zombies on massive sandbox maps. Meanwhile, we're stuck with a boring linear play map that barely actually enhances the plot, and unless you're the host, you're gonna be lagging about 5 seconds behind what you moved on your controller. 


Gameplay? Random, random, random. Ordnance drops: You a bad player? Cannot time power weapons? Cannon fight for it? No problem! In about 5 minutes time eventually you'll be offered a bunch of weapons that may or may not consist of an incineration cannon!


Guns: We have a pocket shotgun. A rocket launcher that launches smaller rockets. A sniper rifle that kills to the toe. An actual shotgun that loses to the pocket shotgun.


Armor abilities: Actually fine. Except you can't turn off sprint. like, wth.


Custom games: LAAAAAACKING.


Campaign: Story was ok. Gameplay? Not that ok. It was boring and SUUUUper glitchy.


Lag: Haha. What, host migrations every game 10x a game? I've literally been glitched out of the game during custom games where I'd just get a black screen without anything else on it. Sounds are fine, since when I press the guide button the guide sound pops up....but thats that. Fixes when I remove H4 from game disc. In game? HAH! Joke. 343 likes giving host to quitters and laggers.


Mods: 343 made a game that doesn't support modding. Top gametypes: Modded gametypes. Thats ok, except then you go onto matchmaking and all of a sudden there bcomes problems.


Theater: Bad. 

Forge: Bad.




Many other things: Bad.

Maps: Bad.


IU: How the hell can you go from a great IU of Halo: Reach to a terrible trashy IU like the one in Halo 4? First of all, blue everywhere? Why? That boring scroll playercard thing? Why? It was easier in Reach.





There are good things, though. In essence, Halo 4 is like a diamond coated in feces; gameplay wise it's like a scattershot; looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, can be epic but most of the time is so inconsistent you want to break your controller by smashing it into the game disc.




I've been reduced to the point of playing Customs every day.....and when I'm not, playing Cod, because I never actually find people with mics on Halo.

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....people aren't saying the game plays like COD.



They are saying the game uses many game-play mechanics that previously WERE NOT in halo, that WERE in Call of Duty.


Built in sprint.

Instant respawning.

Point gained rewards. (ordnance to the idiots out there)


Just those 3 things right there are all bull**** in a game like halo.



And if people are saying this Halo isn't noob friendly, they should have played the other ones...this is the easiest halo yet to kill someone.

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Its the easiest Halo to kill someone yes, but also the easiest to die in (and you still need 4+1 shots to finish a player). Biggest difference is tempo, wich is waaaaay upped. Noobs don't play it either. So, yeah, this is probably because the game is so casual, soft and sit-back styled. Not. And BTW rank is meaningless. Why even bring it up in a balance discussion?


Not rewarding good players? I have friends with k/ds like 8000/2000 and such. I start a BTO with them, never hear their BRs stop shooting for the whole match (unless ammo is out). Usually we pass four opposing teams until the matches are done because of quitting. Same in Slayer. They're dominating so hard its unseen of. Nothing in Halo3 was ever so slanted really, since they're soo good with Br/Dmr, spawn with them, and these weapons are like lasers in H4. That's how it is.


Btw As far as experience goes, I've played all Halos. Put in 4000 matches in Halo3. You?


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I've killed over 100,000 people in halo 2 and died 32,000 times. I've played over 5400 games of halo 3 and over 7000 of halo 2 before it was sadly taken offline.


The game is designed for you to get one kill, and then die. Other halos actually had skill gaps, and not crutches like armor abilities or instant re-spawning coupled with a longer then ever shield re-spawn delay fill those gaps, instead of getting better at the game.


Fully organized teams dominated just as hard in Halo 3, I know because I was rolling with one most of the time in BTB. The only difference is there wasn't any broken JIP so the games were just over when people left. Next game.


In halo 4 its a joke when you have a full team, just roll together and even a group of idiots can own if they just all point their  no bloom DMRs down range and pull the trigger. teamshotting was always effective in halo but in this one 4 or more competent players aiming together with DMRs can and will systematically destroy an entire team in seconds. (this discounts the power weapons delivered to them to utilize) So I do agree with you here, that halo 4 can be more slanted then 3 just due to the fact you really don't have to hold any specific part of the map down for weapons or control.

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If you understood my post, you would have realized I was talking about how the game is designed, not what happens to me in a war games match. Sometimes that happens, usually I get multiple kills before dying, sometimes I don't die at all. Halo 4 is subject to lag too from time to time, so performance can vary even if you're a very good player. I currently run a 2.0 kdr in Halo 4, it was around 2.5 in halo 3, which I was personally happy with. Some games are just utter destruction, and then some games...not so much.

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Only the Multiplayer is bad. What about the Campaign? The Campaign wasn't the best on of the series. But it was still pretty good. For me it; goes Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, then Halo 3 and Halo 4 are tied, then last is Halo: Reach. (For Campaign) For Multiplayer it goes; Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3, Halo: Reach, then Halo 4.

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Campaign is for wanks. irrelevant.


You have got to be kidding me. Campaign is where the great story came from, and it's my favorite part of this game. The main reason I play multiplayer is because Campaign doesn't last. It's a linear story, and once you win it on Legendary, you're done in that area unless you're trying out some skulls. (Which I do on occasion.)


Multiplayer's almost immeasurably important, but if you think Campaign is for wanks, you can shove a Lightrifle right up your...

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This is rapidly descending into a flame war. The only reason I'm not locking it permanently here and now is because there's been some very good discussion going on in between the abuse and I don't want that to be cut short.


I'm going to lock this thread now, remove a few of the worse posts and hand out some warnings, and then I'll unlock it. From here onwards, the moderating team will be keeping a very close watch on this thread, and no matter how much you disagree with others, we expect you to be civil about it.


You have been warned.

Edited by RedStarRocket91
Thread unlocked.
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