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Multiplayer Suggestions...


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Just some suggestions,


Pulse grenade- not very effective at all. Maybe raise the damage just a little.


Gravity hammer and sword( in Grifball ) - theres a weird thing that happens when a guy with a sword lunges at the same time a gravity hammer smakes down, the guy with the sword bounces off. And most of the time the guy with the gravity hammer kills a guy with the sword no problem. ( not because the player has no skill )


Lag- sometimes match made games can have a lot of lag and a lot of trouble picking a new host. You could get stuck in the migrating host screen for a long time.


Storm rifle- I don't feel many people use the storm rifle because it is not as effective as a DMR or Battle Rifle, still you occasionally see people using the Assault rifle. I think the storm rifle should get a little damage boost.


Thruster pack- in match making, the Thruster Pack pushes you barely forward. Maybe give the Thruster Pack a small boost or "push to it"


**let me know if you think some of things the same**


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Pulse grenade you have to throw it right at them with perfect timing for it to be really effective. But the best way to use pulse grenade is by blocking door ways when you are running away one shot. If other guy is bad enough he will run threw it and make himsel one shot but most people will go away from it.


This game has so much to fix that i don't even got the time to write about it all. But the one thing that makes my blood boil is why does this game have power weapon drops + ordiance drops. Power weapons are god damn everywhere now. Halo has always been about timing power weapons and even outside the mlg playlist. But now every game is christmas and power weapons are handed out like presents. Not to mention that guns that aren't considered power weapons are still op like crazy. 343 has catered this game to little kids and tried to make it a lot like call of duty. Biggest fail in a game i have ever seen and bungie would be ashamed.


This game is slowing die and needs to be resuscitated quickly...

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I do hate the Christmas presents. I also hate how they just tossed the community forge test. I thought at least some of the maps would be put into the Infinity Slayer rotation.


I never played that stuff too much. I play a lot of splitscreen with friends and the forge maps ALWAYS lag without exception.

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I have to agree with pretty much all the OP's points and could add a few.


The only one I disagree with is that the sword might be able to beat a hammer, from previous Halo games the sword always loses, in griffball the sword is for killing the carrier really nothing else.


Lag is an issue with alomost all FPS games due to host connetions and locations, just a fact of life.


Also good to see you posted a thread, people look for new threads and ignore new posts in old ones.

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