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Overpowered Weapons

Halo Pony

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Since Halo 4 has been out for a while now I have noticed something some of the guns are overpowered,i'm sure there is more but one I have seen that is way overpowered is the Assault Rifle. I can easily tell this because in all the Halos the Assault Rifle has never been that powerful and could never kill a lot of people I am sure this is not just me so comment your beliefs here!

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the assualt rifle is a primary weapon for loadouts. 343i tried to keep the weapons as balanced as possible without making them all too similar. If the assault rifle was weaker, it couldnt compete with other weapons like the DMR except at point blank range. If this was the case, no one would use the weapon and it would have no purpose in cutsom loadouts. the prupose of its strength is to keep it on a level that it can compete with other primary loadout weapons

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The Assault rifle may be more powerful in this Halo, but like others have said they try to balance everything else and I look at the Assult rifle being a farther range solution to the suppressor which is high deadly at close range. So yes it may be a little over powered but it is that way for its range I think.

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I heard someone said that the Assault Riffle is "OP". I would like to heard a decent reason, since it works best on close-quarters combat. This doesn't seem reasonable since there's too many people carrying a Boltshot, which can turn the tables unfairly fast. Since it's a CQC weapon, it can't respond properly to over-used DMR and BRs.


Then again, people should know this, and should play accordingly.


Besides that, I think that the Boltshot, the Incinerator Canon, and the Binary Riffle are "OP" (though, the binary holds less ammo compared to other snipers).

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Assault Rifle is not and has never been overpowered. It is and always has been the first weapon you throw away. I don't know that I would call the Halo CE Assault Rifle "underpowered" because everything lost in relation to the CE pistol, but I know that every Assault Rifle since that game has been underpowered in one way or another. The biggest problem has been clip size, and I think generally the kill time has been pretty low as well. The Halo Reach Assault Rifle is the only one that was horrible without question, the Halo 3 Assault Rifle and the Halo 4 Assault Rifle play similarly, should have deeper clips (Clip size should never have been reduced).

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I would never argue that the AR is OP, but I wouldn't say it is the kind people throw away as a lot of People use it (especially on Regicide) as a staple in their playstyle.


However, on that note, I would also say that the people that use the AR out of choice are always playing handicapped when playing against anyone with a precision weapon and some level of competency. The prevalence of the BoltShot also adds to this issue.

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Incineration cannon - not op, it's supposed to be a rocket launcher and every halo has had one, the actual rocket launcher is so much weaker in halo 4 and since the incineration only has 1 round clips and long reloads its balanced for a power weap

Needles - not op because its 2, max 3 guaranteed kills but it's a power weapon so it's balanced because it has so little ammo


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Well this may be my opinion so it is far from fact but here goes:

  • Needler not OP - Has little ammo and so only gets a few kills, since its a power weapon well that seems the least it should get
  • Incineration Cannon - Not OP its just they made the rocket launcher worse so it seems better, direct hit on a hog and unless bounce offs also hit you do not get the kill!!
  • AR/Suppressor - Not OP they have very limited effective range especially suppressor, so they need to be kings of their range to give them a purpose.
  • DMR - OP its good at all ranges and very easy to use. Destroys vehicles very quick aswell.
  • Botshot - OP not because of the 1HK but the range that you can get a 1hk at also the allowable release time removes the need for good timing.
  • Binary Rifle - Is OP but the fact it gives away your position and is bad at no scoping brings it back in line somewhat.

The DMR and the Boltshot are really the only OP weapons in the game for me. Some may seem too good but I think they are meant to be and others are probably underpowered, I mean rockets are not what they used to be.

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AR overpowered? realy?. If anything they need to put the magazine size back to what it used to be IMHO. Also the AR is the standard UNSC weapon, not the BR or DMR.. Another thing is with the ammount of hacking going on in the Halo 4 xbox lobbies it realy doesnt matter, when their are ppl running around with 2 round burst DMRs, & Light rifels, and BRs that fire 2 bursts with 1 trigger pull, ppl spawning into games with shotguns & RLs etc. Wait till you see what a 2rd burst DMR does to your Spartan 8).


Anyway interesting thread.


Regards, John

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  • 2 weeks later...

Assault rifle isn't a problem. Dmr is overpowered imo compared to the carbine. And where do i start on the boltshot. It needs to go. It is a secondary weapon that can kill someone in one shot. Thats all that needs to be said. Keep its range but make the power take off half the shields or less.


I suggest no boltshot and bring back the maulers


Fun combo: Gunner, damage boost and a detached turret :) Also works with speed boost.


That is the most fun thing to do ever. Im turret mad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The DMR needs a nurf in my opinion.

Reasons why is because:

1-Wins in ranges it shouldn't, Like against an assult rifle at close range or a BR at medium range, basically it just dominates at all ranges.

2-Too little bloom/recoil means that people don't even have to focus their shots to get a kill.

3-Rediculous rate of fire for a 'Marksman rifle', excelling the speed of the BR burst and already non-existent recoil means the only way you can win a battle against one of these things is if the other guy is a lame shot or you get the drop.


Basically I think its really unbalanced compared to other rifles, shouldn't it actually be a 'Designated Marksman rifle' than an 'Designated Everything Rifle'?.


I think all it needs really is the rate of fire decreasing along with a bit of bloom requiring the user to pace there shots, even with these nurfs the DMR will still dominate at long ranges (as all the others apart from the LR don't).

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