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Another Weekly Update From 343


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New weekly matchmaking update, let me know what you guys think of this.

Personally I hate the fact they are taking out KoTH and replacing it with the new dlc playlist, team regicide sticks around for another week!



Next Week's Matchmaking Playlist Update



There’s only one thing to say after last week’s Matchmaking playlist update: We got a new King! Since Team Regicide has performed spectacularly (TWtQS), it’s sticking around for another week. So is SWAT, of course. Unfortunately that means one playlist has to say goodbye. Actually, it just has to say “See you later” because it will undoubtedly be back. Leaving temporarily is King of the Hill (wipes away a single tear) and taking its place is Crimson DLC. Before we dip into the specifics of that particular playlist, let’s go over the rather short list of other things included in last Monday’s update.

• Fixed exploit locations on Haven

• Fixed exploit locations on Adrift

• Introduced Ordnance drop issues on Haven (oops)


Please note that the map fixes only affect playlists and not on-disc custom game map variants, and we will fix the Ordnance drop issues in the next playlist update.


If you find yourself wondering why this change list is shorter than previous ones, it’s because we’ve been hard at work on a Title Update, which is slated to release soon. You’ll know it’s out when you’re prompted to download an update upon logging into Halo 4. We will detail the contents of the TU after it’s out (as it contains exploit fixes we don’t want abused any more than they already are while they’re live). We can tell you right now that this particular TU tackles actual game and gameplay issues, not sandbox tweaks and balances. We have another TU in the works and will continue working on the timing and content of the next one. We will update everyone when we have additional information. One TU at a time, as they say.


Now, back to the Crimson maps! The 12.10 Matchmaking update will include a brand new Crimson DLC playlist, and it will also integrate the Crimson maps into existing playlists. Let’s tackle the Crimson DLC playlist first. It will be 6 vs. 6 and include the following map and game type combinations:

• Infinity Slayer – Shatter

• Capture the Flag – Shatter

• Extraction – Shatter

• King of the Hill – Shatter

• Infinity Slayer – Wreckage

• Capture the Flag – Wreckage

• King of the Hill – Wreckage

• Oddball – Wreckage

• Infinity Slayer – Harvest

• Capture the Flag – Harvest

• King of the Hill – Harvest


The following Crimson maps will be added into these existing playlists:

• Infinity Slayer – Harvest

• Big Team Infinity Slayer – Wreckage and Shatter

• Dominion – Shatter

• Capture the Flag – Harvest and Wreckage

• SWAT – Harvest

• Team Slayer Pro – Harvest


The Matchmaking algorithm is weighted to match players who have DLC with other players who have DLC so if you have the Crimson Map Pack and you enter a regular playlist, you should see the new maps on a regular basis. This is something we can adjust, so if the new maps aren’t appearing as often as we’d like, we’ll continue to tweak the formula.


If you missed last week’s Crimson Map Pack announcement, continue on to the next section of the Bulletin for some walkthrough and gameplay videos.

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Sounds pretty good so far. The only issue I have is the rotating playlists. This is ridiculous. Keep all the lists on all the time and let the players have at it with the lists they want to run. H2 and H3 didn't pull this garbage, neither did Reach ..... wow, Reach did something right ..... so why are they playing 2nd grade tactics? Perhaps this is one of the reason Reach had a higher population than H4 this week.

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I love how they vaguely say nothing important. It's been four weeks, and not one ballance change has been made? And no word on the forge world maps, presumably because we have a map pack upcoming. I get the PR behind it, but I'm rather dissapointed in their lack of openness after they brought us.... that.

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I think this "2nd TU" they're talking about will be the Competitive Skill Rank title update.


One can dream ;)


basicaly they are stupid and have no clue how to run playlist am i right?


Never call 343i stupid. They are the reason we're on this forum.


There is definitely a method to their madness.

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If you can go over there and run it better, do it. If not, be quiet. They promised weekly updates to keep things rolling fresh and you complain. Oh well, deal with it. That's all you can do. I, for one, am glad they are doing this.


Don't know about everyone else, but that most certainly isn't my problem. Though I expected them to be more productive, their lack of openness is the thing that gives credence to the idea of their ineptitude. Whether they are, or not, will be confirmed with their next title update of course, but as is, the lack of maps all for the sake of short-term profits is unnerving.

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I think this "2nd TU" they're talking about will be the Competitive Skill Rank title update.


One can dream


Yeah i heard they were bringing the new ranks out mid january, aswell as implementing an MLG playlist, permanently!

the weekly updates are good, for the reason that they are testing the water, see what gametype plays well, is popular, and is most importantly enjoyable. a few months down the line expect to see some major changes in the gametypes available to us, put in all the good ones, take out all the ****, but still keep a rotating playlist!

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