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Reticle bloom must die!!!!


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Bloom is a term that the community created. The reticule expansion has no control over the way the weapon fires or reaches it's minimum and maximum error cone. The HUD blooming widget works independently of the weapon, as all error rates, velocities, trajectories, etc... are located inside the weapon tag itself. Bloom, is most commonly referred to as the rate and intensity at which the weapon fires and begins to stray from it's dead center "0" error angle setting. Every Halo title has had an error cone variation for all wepaons. I thought I quite clearly speeled all this out long ago, and also attached the weapon specific data from each weapon to show how much bloom (error) was on each.....I guess I should find that post again...

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TwinReaper is correct. There has been 'bloom' in every Halo game, however it was not visible until Halo Reach. From talking with friends who were at RTX and ComicCon, just in the demo's that were accessible, the 'bloom' in War Games was far less of an issue than in Halo Reach. They compared it to Halo 3 spread.

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That can be a good thing, since a majority of players have been begging for a more Halo 3 esk weapon mechanic for Halo 4. I cant wait to see what the final product will be like. I suspect subtle.changes will.still be made between now and September 18th.

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I've said many times that the Halo Reach bloom causes too many shot inconsistencies. If my reticle is red then my shot should count where I am aiming. Accurate aim should be rewarded with the kill. Bloom just leaves it to chance because you don't know if you'll get the kill or not on what should be the last shot. And since this is the case, then what is the point of the reticle turning red if it actually doesn't indicate if you'll get the hit or not? The Halo Reach bloom defeats that whole purpose of the red reticle.


I'm glad they're getting rid of this type of bloom for Halo 4. Next I hope they can balance the armor abilities.

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