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Grunt (1/19)



  1. i will be checking my profile just in case to see what you want to chat on

  2. i will join you and i will do what is needed. talk to you at 12:30 tomorrow...k

  3. i play halo4 every night and want good people to play with. i was in the army and like the clan structure my gamertag is YaRopon741. message me if you are intersted. also i am 23
  4. my gammertag is YaRopon and i am interested for sure. lets play a game or two to see if its a good fit
  5. my gammertag is YaRopon and i am interested for sure. lets play a game or two to see if its a good fit
  6. my gammertag is YaRopon and i am interested for sure. lets play a game or two to see if its a good fit
  7. my gammertag is YaRopon and i am interested for sure. lets play a game or two to see if its a good fit
  8. my gammertag is YaRopon and i am interested for sure. lets play a game or two to see if its a good fit
  9. i am in the same boat as u. have been playing halo for years. i just recently picked it back up and would love to play a few matches with u to see if there is a good fit
  10. i was in the army and play halo 4 everyday and would love to join ur clan. YaRopon741 is my gammertag
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