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Everything posted by PhoenixStone

  1. It's all right to be a lone wolf. I'm used to it. AXIOS!

  2. Well said Spartan. In light of all that has happened, I resign from Blue Team. I cannot support corruption and betrayal, because it wasn't just Shadow who was betrayed. Every member's trust has now been betrayed also. I guess the real reason I joined Blue Team was that I was foolish enough to think that it would be similar to when Spartan was the leader, but...this kind of thing never would have happened under him. *salutes* Goodbye all. Remove me from the roster, take my commendations and rank. I will see you all around the forums I'm sure. May you all succeed. AXIOS!
  3. If it was a definite and deliberate betrayal, I don't know what I'll do. This is a lot to think on.

  4. I have no problem supporting fair decisions that have been voted on. But if Shadow really was betrayed...that's really mind-blowing to think about. And I will have to think about it. I really like both PB and Shadow, and I will be supportive of our leader, as long as I can be absolutely assured that something sketchy isn't going on within the council. We absolutely can't have corruption already. That isn't okay. My hope is that this is all a severe misunderstanding. Please, can anyone explain the proceedings of the last two days voting?
  5. Awesome, thanks! I am sorry. I'm still getting used to how chat works and I was in the wrong chat the whole time, then there was a map I didn't have so I had to stop playing, but I had tons of fun and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAESTRO!
  6. Congratulations sir! *salutes* I support you as our leader, and as always BLUE TEAM AXIOS!
  7. Wait, so wait, what now? Did you guys choose ShadowFiend or not?
  8. I wholeheartedly support ShadowFiend. He will be a great leader we can all rally behind! BLUE TEAM AXIOS!
  9. Awesome! Congrats SF you'll be great!
  10. Put a Halo spin on it, and Valentine's Day becomes epic.
  11. Welcome Erebus! Like you, I am deeply honored to be in Blue Team's ranks! And I am glad you have joined us!
  12. Welcome to Blue Team!

  13. How many people are on the council to vote? Could ordinary members vote too? Also when does voting end?
  14. Hello Spartan-II. I'm one of the newest members of Blue Team & I just wanted to say that you are awesome. I read all 30 pages of the Blue Team thread and knew I should join. You are my hero & I hope you're doing well.

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Thank you for your compliments. I hope you become a great Member, not only on the Team, but also on the forums. You already seem to be one.

  15. Waiting on my headset to arrive! Also gonna play some Reach if anyone wants to join.

  16. I got to team up with ShadowFiend216 tonight on Halo 4 & we rocked it! Can't wait to team up with more of you!
  17. ShadowFiend just told me that I can get mark IV armor if I complete the Halo 4 campaign on legendary. *gulp* O_O wish me luck! I'll need it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PhoenixStone
    3. Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα
    4. Zelda


      Wish you luck. But I will wish you double luck because of the bug thats involved with it. lol

  18. Anyone up for some reach?

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I might be whenever I can get on. I also play Halo 4 allot if you have it. GT is SelfDestruct217

  19. Nice! And, I'm getting a headset tomorrow! Then I can do callouts and be helpful during training and battles and stuff like that.
  20. So what's the story behind your guys' gamertags? Mine evolved. I don't remember what it first was when I bought my Xbox three years ago, but I changed it to AurorStone (Harry Potter reference there) and then one day while I was waiting in the Matchmaking lobby for a BTB game to start, three guys started making fun of my gamertag and trying to psych me out before the match started. I'm ashamed to say that this pre-game gang bang tactic of theirs worked, and I didn't play Halo Reach or Halo 4 for a week. I wanted a gamertag that sounded cool, so that I wouldn't get made fun of by random strangers. I changed Auror to Phoenix, because I was born in Phoenix, AZ. Thus, PhoenixStone.
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