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Everything posted by HaloKittyGirl

  1. idk wat that means but ill say 1 how many spartins dose it take to eat a can of worms
  2. then we would all look like voltomort. wat if harry potter was in halo
  3. wats the rule u cant ask things that pple wouldnt want to awnser. wats the rule u cant ask somthing like that would u rather be tackled to kittens or puppys
  4. k/d dosnt mean anything. because some games i chouse not to kill pple even if they kill me so no it dosnt matter
  5. kittys back yay XDXDXD so many notafacations bo on for a wile checning thenm
  6. fine ill join. but i want the same respect i get with my clan. after all i am in charge of anyone who play halo in my clan. i will give u a halo reach clan map to chouse and u cant make any edits without my permission. ill join but i dont want to be seen as a recrut im going on to xbox soon and i hope u send me a friend request so we can get this clan thing situated ill msg u when im ready to join
  7. ... ok so whos gona train me. can u train me ranger
  8. then it would take 7 minutes for the world to go cold because it takes the suns heat and light 7 minutes to reach the earth wat if people respected me more
  9. kitty giggles and looks up at u and pokes ur nose "tag ur it" kitty runs away and hides
  10. HaloKittyGirl


    From the album: halokitty

  11. idk i like kats armor but with my upgrades ill post a pic of my armor
  12. ur nice but not nice enough to be the top five i still like u. i dont hate anyone at all there just pple i like and pple that are meh im bord and hungry pple talk to me please jxzaw had a funny name history, the most random one is bacon
  13. i posted one aready bout pple i like. im stil in the hosptial tho
  14. well u are still one of my favrout pple in the world...i made the thread u were talking bout lets go there its in offbeat
  15. this is so i dont get in trouble posting things that are not usefull in other forms. this is the spot for me i hope pple reply Mᴀᴇsᴛʀᴏ ᴛʜᴇ Sᴛᴀᴍᴘᴇᴅᴇ, ranger447, SNIP3m101, UNSC Spartan-II and Sιlεƞτ Ѳʀвιs are absolutly amazing they are some of my best friends. yay XDXDXDXD
  16. that is the most helpful thing anyone has ever sayd to me... ur r u a god?? cause ur abosulty amazing. i love the idea of my own thread. ur amazing thank u so much
  17. theres only 2 people on this whole site that have stood up for me. and the people that havent have tryed to be rude and have hidden behind rules. they clearly dont want me here and idk why. i have had no intention of harm or being rude to anyone. be everyone seems to want me to not be able to use the shout box or post things in the form or even try and defend my self. they hide behind rules and there friends. but its enough the next person who dose anything with rude intentions or to be mean is going down. cause im tired of not fighting back. and its time for a change. do i have a problem with athorty ya probably but it dosnt mean people have to disrespect me when i make a mistake. i say no more. im going to stick up for myself because very few people want to stick up for me. sry bout that i had to vent
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