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Bobby Jackson

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Everything posted by Bobby Jackson

  1. If anyone is looking for a Halo 4 clan, Xbox Gamers Online (XGO) is a good one. I am a Lieutenant of the Bravo Squad which currently has over 60 members. My gamertag is XGO Cryptic113 If you want to join all you need is a mic and a copy of Halo 4. If you want to join this is what you need to do: Edit your profile, Change your Motto to *XGO BRAVO MC* with Microsoft symbols where the asterisks are.(Sorry I don't know how to post them here) Change your Name to Rank: Recruit Change your Location to xboxgamersonline.com Change your Bio to Joined(today's date) recruited by XGO Cryptic113 Last promoted n/a After you do this, send a friend request to the gamertag XGO BRAVO MC This is our clan tag, which keeps track of all of the active members of our squad. We meet on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8pm EST.(You must be on the clan tag to receive an invite) In Halo 4 our armor color is Primary: Forest Secondary: Brick, if you are a new member your service tag would be REC. If you join send a message to my GT so I know who you are. Our website is xboxgamersonline.com, if you sign up you should do so after editing your profile info on Xbox Live and use your gamertag as your username.
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