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Grunt (1/19)



  1. zelda, I came here in search of intelligent life, you are not....and by the way your twinreaper blows. Any way I can block you guys? It would be really nice
  2. The better you are the crappier the team mates you will get...the game is designed that way. If the noobs got beat all day everyday they wouldn't play...remember, this game is billion dollar money maker. 343i could careless if you lose and get frustrated. Trust me I know your pain!...would be nice if they could be sued for everything and shut them down for cheating the public...."gaming experience my vary over xbox live", pfft, just another way of saying, "we'll fu*k you over as we see fit"
  3. These guys totally and utterly destroyed this game in EVER way! Hey 343i, if you cannot make a game DON'T put your hands on the damn technology!!!!! Its sad, its 2013 and you guys couldn't program an Atari game!!!
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