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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Palmer has a typical spartan attitude like when she kicks the artifact to shut it up lol!
  2. It takes a long time to make games so I reckon it'll still be a whil till it'll be out
  3. Hey guys I'm almost rank 92 now(Halo 4) and still using my DMR as always,what rank are you guys in any of the halos

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SPARTAN 117

      SPARTAN 117

      I reached 35 in ranked and commander in social in Halo 3. Brigadier in Reach. 130 with ease in Halo 4

    3. SPARTAN 117

      SPARTAN 117


      None of the covies actually speak english (perhaps except Arby and Jul 'Mdama). I think some have vocal translators built onto their armor

    4. HaloKittyGirl


      ya they do. i was playing halo 3 and the grunts were saying kill the deamon look it up


  4. Do you guys guys find it strange that in Halo 4 you train (in war games)against spartans-when unless you're from Red Vs Blue you're going to fight agianst covies and promeathians.They're are completely different so I thought it was strange and ignore my last update

    1. RedStarRocket91


      Look at it this way: they probably don't have many friendly Covenant or Promethean forces willing to playfight with them, and Spartans are the toughest things then can practice fighting against. So it does make a little bit of sense :)

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      It's the most effiecient way to tray an army of soldiers; not against AI bots but to fight each other.

  5. What do you guys think about Battle Rifles in halo 4?Coz they spread but they're still very acurate and I have a soft spot for them and they're really great weapons I just wondered what you thought of them

    1. Church


      I think they're kewl.

    2. Vortex119


      I don't anymore :) I prefer DMRs

  6. It it says that on youtube for me but that is coz they're pretty old now.I'm glad we can still watch em here I hope they stay on this site.
  7. I like the Revenge of the nerds quote that is epic,real credit to u.I think they're just sado's who really need to get a life and I'm a massive fan of Microsoft and Bungie and 343 so that anoys me that people do stuff like that
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