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Status Updates posted by Pau1icu5

  1. Apparently listening to Green Day and Linkin Park causes forge epicness! Can't wait to test my map remake on Erosion.

  2. Building new map on Forge Island this week, testing this weekend.

  3. Good times had at Tuesday night test

  4. Have a couple new maps in my file share, still in testing but very fun and playable. GT: Pau1icu5

  5. It's winter.. it's cold

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Summer is too long.

    3. Maestro


      Especially here. Too long and too warm for my liking.

    4. TheGodfatherS117


      Here winter is too long and summer is too short lol

  6. My map "Cliffside" is ready for download with lastest bug fixes and tweaks.

  7. Results for "meet your maker" on sunday.. can't wait to see who wins.

    1. Azaxx


      The First of Two runner ups was announced today!

    2. Pau1icu5


      There's a spoiler for the next one if you watch it on youtube.. but I'm not telling.

    3. Sikslik7


      The winner was unofficially announced, as the video is up, but not viewable

  8. Thank for the support everyone.

  9. Thanks for the meet your maker contest extension

  10. There.. mym map is done now I can take a break from forge for a while NOT! I FORGE ON.

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Yeah, that Ricochet competition :D

    2. Pau1icu5


      I'm not from the USA so I don't think I qualify.

    3. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Thanks for the hard work. I know it was not easy.

  11. Tuesday night tests just aren't the same without AbleSir Thomas.. at least he tells you what isn't working on maps. But keep up the good work on MYMDominion, we all apperciate it.

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