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Everything posted by EpicBeaver

  1. Halo is different from Call of Duty. It is, in my opinion better. But aside from that, the weapons system really separates it. To the extent i felt the need to make this post. I agree with what 343 did with ordinance. However, certain weapons like the sniper rifle are not in the weapon loadouts! I can understand the gravity hammer energy sword incinteration cannon ect. not being in it, but i fell the sniper rifle and some others should be added. I myself am a percision weapon maniac, so i jump at the chance to abuse peoples fun with the sniper rifle. Maybe add some new percision weapons and assault. Maybe some new secondarys. But the only thing i ask, is the sniper rifle be added. Peace. -EpicBeaver I forgot to add. CoD allows certain weapons to be used such as the sniper.
  2. Im pretty sure that chief will be bummed out in the next game and he might "retire." Maybe some strange event wil make him help out again! And i need to beat it on legendary! Its was an excellent campaign. Multiplayer ranking system sucks though.
  3. ON EASY MODE! HA ZA! Lolz xD
  4. First off, the BR sucks. The DMR is the gun that pwns all. Second, there is more than 4 maps to play on. Third, there is PLENTY of close battles. U just PROBABLY suck so bad you cant even get to them. Fourth, im sorry for the assist system! Maybe u should try to HIT THEM MORE THAN ONCE AND AIM FOR HEAD?!! Next, the br is the only decent weapon? I use the DMR and PLASMA pistol, and now that u mention it, not ONE of my loadouts has the battle rifle. I am lvl 51 and i get around 15-25 kills a match. Lastly, return it. Please. I do not want to waste my time fighting a noob who gets killed by the BR every 3 seconds. -EpicBeaver
  5. I did not intend to insult or put down things. My point was that people are pointing out things that did not NEED to be mentioned. Im sorry if this offended anyone. Peace
  6. Read my thread why halo is falling apart. This case is appropriate for complaining!
  7. True. This has happened before. I get killed and get revegne, and i get booted. Im pretty sure its whether or not the GAME thinks its on accident or on purpose.
  8. The awnser lies somewhere in here. You must read the whole thing to understand. We all know campaign is nice. But then think to yourself, "what was the real reason i bought this game?" FOR MULTIPLAYER! And the awnser to your question, it is falling apart because of THIS forum. Some people are just so unbearable on this forum, 343i abandoned us. We have no say in halo. They make there money, there happy. But all the haters here broke the game for us all. Honestly, i didnt notice the sucky ranking system until i joined here! I didnt realise the boltshot needs a nerf. I didnt realise DMR is so hated. And you know what, i wish i didnt. We are killing the game for each other. If you point out every little detail of what goes wrong, people will hate on 343i for not making the PERFECT game. You know what? When your there age, go make the perfect video game where everyone is happy. Go do it. I dare you. They are just people. They make this game. We play it. Its not they make the game. We hate on every little detail. Think to yourself for a second before you post on this. I know people who will say im wrong and its all 343i's fault and im exagerating. Im not. You are. If you cant see YOU are the reason this game is dying, then get outa this forum! If they cant fix it to perfection, stop breaking it. Peace. -EpicBeaver
  9. People of this forum. I love how you all hate things about halo, but you do not cause change. Some of you hate ranking system. Heres an idea, instead of raging on this forum, just send 343 an email! Maybe start a pettiotion. I agree with almost everything you guys hate on (except DMR, it rocks!) maybe make a pettition to get the boltshot nerfed! I knowill sign it! Maybe email them to fix the ranking system! Ill support you! The point is, follow through on things! Dont just say we need change, and abandon it! START THE CHANGE! Maybe you guys dont rage over it, i only know a few ragers. All you non-ragers who want change, but dont want to advertize it to EVERYONE, send an email to 343! Just do something to make change, dont just write it a million times on a website i doubt they even glance at!
  10. The pistol is fine! In reach it was a little OP, for a pistol. They mastered the balence, its one more head shot to kill or 2 more body shots than it was in reach, but the fire rate i think was buffed!
  11. Got it. TO WALMART I GO! Wow, just became a jackal! Now i need to get people to start hitting the like button! Im off to say some random insightful and humorous thing on posts i have no business being on! HA ZA!
  12. I need xp tips! I am lvl 41 and i want 50! I play spartan ops and multiplayer war games but it takes FOREVER! I want a specialization! Anyone got a double xp or tips?
  13. Dont sprint. Dont camo camp. I would reccomend camping, but use active camo when running away and hiding if your spotted! Use dmr and assault rifle with firepower and active camo!
  14. Actuall, all i want is to be able to stalk people and find out who last killed me. I will help fight the trolls! Plus i want the wetwork dmr skin! *Actually
  15. I agree. We will build and empire! It will be one of the greatest ever if we all cooperate. But people will purposley troll us to have fun. The most we can do is ignore it. Dont feed the trolls. If you hate on them and say hateful things, they will troll you more. But if you close them out, they will stop. We will formally invite them back. But if they decline, there forever out. And btw, if we build this empire, i would like to help lead a small section of it. Can i help you guys by trolling the trolls? Ill take a bunch of my buddies into game, use the specialization that lets you see who last killed you, and pinpoint there exact location and kill them if they trolled you. It will help us win over the haters. Troll the trollers guys. Let them troll on. Just be sure to troll them back harder!
  16. The rush it to get level 50! I NEED the perks! There not medicore! They are game changers!
  17. Dang it! I need a code... I also need double xp... Anyone got some spare ones? Bump.
  18. After halo 2 everything fell apart. Halo 3 sparked its continue. If you give halo 2 more graphics and a few more game modes, better than cod. Make cheesy rip-offs to make noobs happy, it sparks the suckyness of the halo franchise.
  19. Wasnt juggernaut in reach? I have played it with my friends, the gravity hammer and rechargable overshield, the good old days before they made the gravity hammer suck!
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