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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. I agree, but the problem with that is they did it for multi reasons... one: It is to show how messed up cheif got after halo3 Two: So it would be more comfortable for those who wear the suit Three: He still has a hard cover over the area, so not such a big point
  2. i agree as well, Always wanted to make my own campaign
  3. elite minor:'Ship master, they out numbered us three to one' Ship master: 'Then it is an even fight' The ark on halo 3 'I know what you are thinking... and it is crazy, but fortuantly for both of us.. I like crazy' cortona on cario station halo 2
  4. I agree with that, but they will have to have same sheilds and armor as elites and spartans
  5. rtas, thats a brilliant idea, everyone wants to know what happened to the elites in the end and at the same time to know spartan 117s story, but there should be more tragedy to it, so it could be exciting, like the brutes are no threat to the elites without the prophets, and same with the rest, but maybe if they were threatened with something different and more dangerous like the flood and it is on all the other planets, than yea it could work.
  6. well maybe something like 3 elepahants vs scarab
  7. Maybe, maybe not, you see that would give a player an advantage in accuracy, then, whats the point of it, you are going to switch your weponds anyway but i would like some upgrades to make a wepond look bulkier or more perfesional, but i dont know how that would work nicely in matchmaking ps. i think it would work great with the assasination knife, energy blade, and energy sword
  8. the only way i see it overpowered if it were a superscarab or its ability to stomp on people, other than that, how is it over powered, i mean, its main canon doesnt do much damage, so does its secondary the elephant could be upgraded and have a gauss turret at the middle for its primarry turret
  9. yea , i always wanted to make some of those
  10. ONE THING WE REALLY FORGOT, the flip option,and the option to increace width and size of the object itself i so tired of having to find the perfect peice to make my map look semetrical, especially with the ramps that turn
  11. yeah, that seems like those could be a possibility, just thinking also evade
  12. they were here too, more in ratio than in bungie
  13. like in firefight, custom games, forge world, those stuff
  14. and scarab, that would be cool
  15. me too, but only in certain gametypes
  16. hahahaha lol yea, it was posted earlier, whant the equipment back, including invisibility in multiplayer
  17. giagantic covanant drop ship that
  18. maybe the one percursor, remakes the evil forunners mabe a bigger threat than the flood
  19. still missing from the kingkong's
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