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Everything posted by somefriggnidiot

  1. Looks awesome! Can't wait to toss this at my friends the next time we do customs.
  2. Three more platforms, a roof, and Wizard will no longer be trapped in Halo 1.

  3. About half done recreating Wizard's internal structure... the perfectionist in me and the lazy artist in me are going to kill each other before this is over.

  4. It's now my goal to remake Wizard and Hang Em High for Halo 4. Come at me, forge.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. A71william


      I agree with Lazuli. TL-34 would be easier and it would look better with Halo 4's blocks etc...

    4. somefriggnidiot


      Chiron's on my list, as well, but I'm not sure if Forge will allow me enough teleporters to do it any justice. I'm not exactly sure what "raghh" is, so I'm going to guess it's from Halo 3 or later. (I took a break from the franchise after trying Halo 3.)

  5. Tried this out with some friends, and it's a huge hit. I gotta say, the more people playing, the more they love it!
  6. Gamertag: sfi94killerz Map: Mob Arena v2.0 (Erosion variant) Gametype: Mob (Oddball variant) Decription: Mob is a fast-paced, oddball arena game, perfect for any amount of players (recommended 3-10). Grab the ball and hold on for dear life as your opponents attempt to pry it from your cold, dead hands. Use your guns as you wish, but without a small army, only melee will take down the carrier. Pictures and links unavailable, as Waypoint is refusing to cooperate with me.
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