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Jackal (2/19)



  1. A longer campain with more epic landscapes... and promethean vehicles, like the war sphinx!
  2. - promethean vehicles (war sphinx for example); - promethean sword (I agree with you); - more epic scene and landscapes; - one chapter on a halo world. I think it all for now...
  3. I agree... War sphinx should be in Halo 5... like a sort of promethean "mantis"!
  4. In my opinion Didact's memories and personality are in Master Chief's head now, after the evolving process that the Librarian makes him... Because after that passage happens that MC hears the voice of the Didact and Cortana does not! And this passage of memories is typical of Forerunners technology and civilization... :D The real didact is dead but he is still alive in MC's head, as it happend with Bornstellar!
  5. That's a great info... I really hope it!! And I hope it wont be too far from now... Ps: It doesnt matter for the fotus... it reminds me of a unicorn! LoL I'm in love with the locus helmet
  6. Hi guys... I would like to expose a problem I found in halo 4 about armors and skins dlc, in particular about the bre-order bonuses... which honestly peeve me off! So, I live in italy and I had any way to get those bonuses. And now I cant even download the halo 4 king of the hill app to get the locus helmet . :wallbash: Anyone knows if 343 will release a future dlc with the pre-oreder dlc? I don't like this idea of the pre-oreder bonuses and I think other people agree with me... bye
  7. Hi guys... I would like to expose a problem I found in halo 4 about armors and skins dlc, in particular about the bre-order bonuses... which honestly peeve me off! So, I live in italy and I had any way to get those bonuses. And now I cant even download the halo 4 king of the hill app to get the locus helmet. :wallbash: Anyone knows if 343 will release a future dlc with the pre-oreder dlc? I don't like this idea of the pre-oreder bonuses and I think other people agree with me... bye
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