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Hunter (4/19)



  1. But they are graphics made by you keep it all in one thread... you can edit your first post and make it into sections for different things not make seperate topics for everything you do. Just saying
  2. So you are saying a bunch of people should lose their jobs just cause your not happy with a video game? I am gonna steal your rollerblades kid
  3. From this topic I say you trade it in for Lego indiana jones kid.
  4. I think you should just stick to one topic to have all your graphics some people might get annoyed seeing multiple topics that are related to the same thing.
  5. Grab a hammer and hit the very top left of the console works every time.
  6. If you dont mind playing with someone who is Drinking majority of the time while they are playing Halo 4 feel free to add me.
  7. Well since this is official...wait nope just another random cry baby stick it in your ear
  8. Have your parents return the game for you since they probably bought it for you anyway.
  9. That guy prolly had high sensitivity and a modded controller possibly
  10. How do u spend 500 dollars on this game do your parents know you took their credit card
  11. On a good day 26 kills on 4v4 was my best so far I think I had 8 deaths... but my favorite was getting 10 kills 15 assists and like 3 deaths.. I like getting high assists for some reason Yea im a team player.
  12. You mean its called a mantis? I thought it was a AT-ST from star wars.
  13. People barely talk on Halo 4 as it is...
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