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Nirvash's Achievements


Hunter (4/19)



  1. There are some UT3 maps that would like a word with you. I would give names but my memory fails me.
  2. I've never had trouble with the bolt shot believe it or not.
  3. I disagree on both points. I would love to see Asylum, Pinnacle, and one other (I forget the name), make a comeback. As for the geometry remakes, time and time again forums have proven that enough b***hing can move mountains.
  4. My laser brings all the grunts to the yard.
  5. BR would be nice if it wasn't outranged.
  6. Makes it much harder for your team to screw you over.
  7. Quite the opposite for me. I'm always getting shot from across the map with DMRs and Light rifles.
  8. Good work so far, looking forward to more maps.
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