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Winry Rockbell

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Status Replies posted by Winry Rockbell

  1. Aside from that dinosaur Twin, how many of you active members have been here longer than me?

  2. *Insert passive-aggressive comment about the state of the gaming community*

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      *Disagrees to be argumentative but deep down knows its true*

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I can not wait to get a Nintendo Switch. LoZ BOTW looks like it is going to be so much fun! :)

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      I thought the original Wind Waker was ok but it got so much better when the remastered version came out and the sailing wasn't as bad. Majora's Mask will always be my favorite outside of the original for NES

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. I can not wait to get a Nintendo Switch. LoZ BOTW looks like it is going to be so much fun! :)

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      That is not a fair comparison. LoZ has a very good track record :P

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. If I couldn't complete my work and have time to get on 343, what kind of a butler would I be?

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Not only an employed female butlet, but also one hell of a butler.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Community flashback: http://www.343industries.org/forum/gallery/image/4737-poems-2015/ Yep, making this an official thing! Show off your flashbacks!

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      This is a really cool idea. I will have to go through some of my old stuff and see what i still have around! :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Anyone playing The Last Guardian? I am wondering if it is worth it.

  8. Anyone playing The Last Guardian? I am wondering if it is worth it.

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Awesome. I am going to find a way to play it soon. I already know how it ends, but it's still nice to watch and play.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Anyone playing The Last Guardian? I am wondering if it is worth it.

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      I loved SotC. I might have to get it for my brother and "borrow" his system for a bit lol

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. “In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.”

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Lol. i copied the quote, but it seems to fit well :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. What is this music playing on your profile? It is so magnificent!

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      That is a pretty awesome song. I have listened it at work a good bit by letting Chrome sit on your profile! LOL

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Power was out for a couple of days, glad to be back. ^-^

  13. Glad you are back to your old username. ^-^

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Me too! I need to stop having spells of boredom that cause me to change it! LOL

  14. My copy of ESO is being delayed for two days. :(

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Well, the servers are terrible so you might not be missing much except error screens

  15. 50 minutes *leaves house and goes to get in the vehicle to leave for Gamestop*

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Whatcha going up there for?

  16. 'Destiny's new expansion is going to be $40? So that is a total of $130 for one year of an OK game. Bungie sold out and it is sad.

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Also, to be fair, i do agree that HoW was a pretty good DLC. Dark Below was not worth it, and the Taken King probably will be worth it, but this pay to play over the next year for content that most games should have on release is just not worth it to me. After what i have read about Taken King, they should just release a GOTY edition with all of this for $60ish and then you would get what i consider a good full game.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. playing my gtav game!

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Are you liking it? I played it for a while, but I don't really care for GTA games.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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