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Everything posted by kamakazandi

  1. the overshield doesn't happen enough for it to balance out the fact that your opponents will get 3.5X amount of points when they kill you than you get for killing them. if the overshield happened more often it might balance out.
  2. balanced??? are you kidding? regicide is the epitome of unbalancing free for all. you are at such an disadvantage when leading. the fact that you dying will give someone else 3.5X the amount of points you get for killing anyone else is completely unfair. FFA is balanced on its own. Regicide just gives bad kids a chance at a lucky win. a regular FFA playlist needs to come back.
  3. i agree. the xp cap is stupid. just use a banhammer instead of stopping us from playing.
  4. is the in game file browser not working for anyone else or is it just me?
  5. the cap is b/s. I should be rewarded for the amount of halo ive been playing not the opposite. If its an anti boosting method its a stupid one and they should just find other ways to go about that. if its to keep me playing for longer thats also stupid. its effing halo! people will be playing this game until the next game or forever. even after they have reached max level.
  6. flood should allow for more players per game. the games seem slow with the current player cap.
  7. the cap is b/s. I should be rewarded for the amount of halo ive been playing not the opposite. If its an anti boosting method its a stupid one and they should just find other ways to go about that. if its to keep me playing for longer thats also stupid. its effing halo! people will be playing this game until the next game or forever. even after they have reached max level.
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