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  1. So you spend it on worthless stuff you can't use? That makes sense and my family owns 28% of Ford (car manufacturer) so don't say I'm "basic". Just go tell daddy I rustled your jimmies and ask him to buy you a fourth pony Lmao yeah, he clearly has no sense or knowledge money wise. I'd rather gamble away $1000 than spend it on unusable armor codes. I have multiple ones that I've sold from $15 - $60. They honestly are not worth it and Twinkies are amazing! He just wants to be popular and It's really ugly, but the torso piece looks cool. I like the Rouge helmet, scout shoulders, Fotus Chest+arms, Chiefs legs and the cyan visor
  2. That's not true. Fotus is only for console editions. Also I have a few Fotus armor codes and I can tell you that NOBODY will trade them for double XP, Locus or anything that easy to get and cheap.
  3. This isn't true. Fotus is exclusive to console's even at 130. I've modded my credits and checked. Yes I had all specializations to. EVERYONE this is false information
  4. Kinda silly. I bought the new console for $100 after trading in my two copies of Halo 4 Limited Edition (won the tourney for both at two gamestops) and then through MS I've gotten 12 codes. So for what you paid $1000 for, I got 4 times that for $100. Don't try to brag about stuff.
  5. Oh my bad lol well if you don't find someone with them PM me okay
  6. I don't like it myself. It looks like a Unicorn Transformer but the torso piece is the coolest in the game.
  7. UnleashedApache you are mistaken. And I have Fotus if you would like; just pm me on here and we will work something out.
  8. The console bundle has a redeem card like MS points or 48 hour trials in the box or game case. Check again and scavenge the $#!t out of that box. If you can not find them then do what I messaged you.
  9. I don't have it on my account but I have a few of them. I don't like the skins myself.
  10. If you PM me then I can help you here. I can unlock the specializations for an account fairly easily. I
  11. Yeah...not nearly enough considering you can easily obtain those using a iPhone emulator and GPS spoofer. Yeah, I have everything man. Just PM me
  12. I have all the pre-orders just looking for the limited edition codes, the pre-orders are also for trade PMed
  13. I have come into quiet a few Fotus Armor codes as well as the other Pre-Order skins. I'm more than happy to get rid of them, just PM me if you have an offer and comment to keep this alive. I'll be able to do this for awhile. It's crazy how Ebay is charging $80 for the one Armor. I'm not going to be that bad, but no silly stuff guys. --Silly Stuff to Offer-- -14 day or 2 day trials -1 month Xbox Live Gold membership -Gamestop's Pre-Order Stuff -Oceanic Armor -Avatar Items -Theme's -Locus Helmet - (pretty much all Pre-Order DLC)
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