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Everything posted by Epic1488

  1. Yes, it's going to be on their "rotation" gametypes. Team Snipers is next after SWAT, starting Monday.
  2. I'm not 100% sure whether it was a rumor or truth, but I read that Halo 4 will be implementing clans like Halo 2 had. Just in case this is true, I will be hosting clan tryouts for Gestalt Squad over the next couple weeks. If you have any interest, reply here with your gamertag, or send me a message on Live showing interest. My gamertag is: epic1488 We're looking for no more than 16 people. That way, we can always have a full party joining matches. Thank you and GG.
  3. Yeah, it might be similar to cod, but it doesnt have that stupid ass prestige crap. "yay, im lvl 80, lets start over and earn everything again!" Said no one ever...
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