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Twisted Oracle

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Everything posted by Twisted Oracle

  1. Its the start of the new halo. The tiny covenant vs the UNSC
  2. The Wins Everything The fails People who complain on the forums
  3. If you need help than you need to be a little more specific
  4. Its only a rumor but an exciting one at that
  5. I bought the LE and paid the extra money, so i think that getting the specs was not unfair
  6. If thats your opinion than thats fine, but expect backlash from the community
  7. Thats a matter of opinion, i feel that it is pretty balanced but might need a range nerf
  8. Im working on getting it right now, half way there
  9. That stuff is only fun when you are immature and dont understand the term respectful
  10. 343 Industries is rotating playlist to see how many people will play a certain gametype before they release the finished playlist product sometime in 2013 It may seem like a inconvienince right now but it will pay off later
  11. From my experince a digital number next to your name only causes frustration and problems with other people not enjoyment
  12. When ever i play BTB on exile i always end up defending the tank from hijackers Its sad when you have to defend the tank
  13. GamerTag: Iv Paragon vI Location/Timezone: EST Favorite playlists: BTB, Infinity Slayer, Dominion Spartan Ops: Yes Nice post by the way
  14. I have none of the problems that you are describing, but its sounds like your own connection is to blame in this case not 343i
  15. If its a "clan" than post in clan recruitment/advertisement
  16. I think that Halsey role in spartan ops will directly affect halo 5's story A great character in my opinion
  17. On my old account i reached SR-67 Im currently SR-25 on my current account
  18. I dont think the perk makes a huge difference in war games
  19. This site has a no code trading policy
  20. Caboose! your getting better at spelling
  21. Its just your kill cam, if the DMR had heat seeking bullets i would still be playing halo 3
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