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Jeff Hall

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Status Updates posted by Jeff Hall

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    1. Mothy


      Thnx, even though its a bit late

  2. Well people got Halo 4, so spoilers aren't illegal anymore. Time to literally go black out until I can beat the campaign D:

  3. Whoa, 12 Birthdays today? Damn, all the moms must have had an enormous baby shower! Happy Birthday AD and all the rest!

  4. Got a job and I'm going to be able to Pre-order Halo 4. Couldn't before cause someone needed the cash I had.

    1. Jay_Magnus


      Awesome, congrats. I just applied for one myself, need to wait 2 weeks for a response.

  5. Going to go beat Halo 2 again! Love the older games.

    1.  Twam


      Halo 2 = Best Halo

    2. Donut


      @Twam agreed! :D

    3. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      Halo 2 campaign is the hardest campaign on Legendary lol I can never get past those raging brutes

  6. Finally got 60$ Gonna go preorder my Halo 4 tomorrow

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