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Everything posted by PublicAlliance

  1. I play forge all the time and i have forged every single map but i am stuck with two very good maps to forge the forge world or the map were you play GriffBall. which map do you guys think is best to forge on? I am nearly saying the GriffBall map because you can make a small map in it or just stick with the big one if you are playing 4 on 4 in halo 4. LOL i just had to do that! So what do you think?
  2. NATRUAL BRONYS A ******* PRO! Brony. Every one loves you. And mate good job with them you really are an artist. A PROFESSIONAL!
  3. Hi i play custome games/match makeing alot and ive relized that the needler is way over powerd my brother can kill me with it in al least 0.8 seconds and other friends do the same and it also tracks on players. This would be fine if the needler was hard or if it had less ammo but it is easy to get and has tons of amo! So what do you guys think of the needler being over powerd??
  4. If you are ralking in halo IV i have one idea its called magnate. But you might allready know it just press the button B and click on magnates and custermize it. But if you are talking about REACH i have no tips but yet i am pretty good at the forge mode i have made 7 forge worlds useing trar zone, lights, self built buildings and lots of others.
  5. WOW~!!!!! your outa ur mind forge in halo 4 is the best so far there is magnate duplicating locking and much more!!!!! :wallbash: damm ur crazzy.
  6. Yes. I do have one very good tip for you. But you might allready know it. press the button B and go to MAGNETES than it will say faulse just press it once and it will say true than click (Magnate Strength) until it says Medium Strength. But it is all up to you what strength you want the magnate. Than go back and there will be magnetes were it will auto maticly connect objects together., This will make your makeing of maps much easier with structures. Good luck and hope this helped.
  7. The SAW is definitly over powerd although it is hard to get with damage boost... But when you do have damage boost with the SAW you will be the king of map. for a wile.
  8. Yes, the elites believe in the great journey.
  9. I agree with Da7kmagician. I will buy it but not as soon as it comes out, because it will be way to expensive. It will just be the PS3 again, the ps3 starterd of as $700 just for the console and 2 controlls! but the main resone im buying it is for haloe V and VI ect.
  10. In Halo 4 What diffaculty do u guys play on? i want to know i play on Heroic but on lvl 1 i done normal because
  11. I played Halo 4 (Custom game) yesterday and i did not like the idea of the new Xp it is so confusing and anoying also how u have 2 pass a spartain rank to get (so called) money (credits) or what every ya wana call it. I much ratherd the Halo reach credit thingy! what do u guys think of the Xp and S-R?
  12. I Have Heard That People Hate Noobs But I Like Them I Have Fun With Them. I Also Like Telling Noobs What To Do, And How To Pass The Stage Of A Noob. But i Mostly Like Useing Like Hologram Or SomeThing Noobs Fall For. What Do You Guys Like or DissLike About Noobs?
  13. that was fun times but now i play reach to much and soon gona play halo 4 all the time... but i wish they would bring it back.
  14. my x-box name is (vPlaT0n1CvM1THv) and i am MAJOR GRADE 2. And recruit is a Little bad dont ya think?
  15. Well some times my halo might be glitching and the ghost ONLY the ghost hits the armor lock slightly and it BLOWS UP!
  16. I hait the original forge world it is so big and hardly any structures or decorating... and the graphics are bad... well not as good. what do u guys think of the forge world. (im talking about the 1 with no structures.)
  17. I love the Falcon but there is 1 thing i dont get, i just dont know why when you are in campaign you get a gun turret yourself in the driver seat and in multyplayer you get no gun there is only 2 guns in the back. Can some one tell me why it is differant because it is the same chopper yet differant? Some one plzzzzzzzz X-splain y? thank u!
  18. i luv the brute granade i used it every time in halo 3 and ODST in ODST they made it better and more fun to use. i was devistated when i found out that there was no brute spike granade in REACH and halo 4. But the 1 thing i didnt like about it, is that there is a big gold glow so u cant see the spikes very well. What do u guys think about the spike granade?
  19. I like halo 2s missions but i HATE vsing the brutes (in halo 2) i like the brutes in reach and ODST and 3.
  20. Well i think on #1 of forward unto dawn they said that they were sent by there parents and that they cant quit and the way they might be free is by winning and becoming a high ranked ODST. so mabey it means that they have to foward into battle to come out and be free...
  21. I have allways wonderd were did they think of the name (Foward unto dawn) i have all ways wanted 2 know? And is there such a word as unto i thought its onto? or into? dont get it? plz answer and like
  22. i think u definitly should, i am pretty sure i saw a VID of it and it has a boost or something? not sure what, LOL. but i dont think u drive ur troops in it as well i think it is just u?
  23. I like the oranance drop kill streake. and i think it 1 of the best i deas. when i first sore it i thought it was so much like C0D but when u think of it, it is nothing like C0D.
  24. I would like spartain ops to be offline (not downloadable)
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