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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. We learned that people don't like it when you sing or blast any kind of music over the mic.
  2. Yes! 2nd place. Good luck to everyone who is aiming for 3rd.
  3. Cool, nice story. I have a better grasp of what they are like as members.
  4. No, people are getting progressively lazy as we advance, by the time there is a tv and a toilet in the kitchen, no one will ever leave their house.
  5. What they said... Also, PC should kinda be a single person format (in my opinion) like Skyrim and such.
  6. *SPOILER* As cool as Mass Effect was, Shepard died in Mass Effect 3, where as Master Chief is on his way to a 4th game.
  7. K thanks, its been edited since I last saw.
  8. Great job and all, guys, but I thought past and present mods weren't allowed on the list?
  9. We learned that when people call you a hacker, guess what? you're not hacking....
  10. Nice, I'm not there yet but I'll catch up to you sometime, lol.
  11. I really can't answer that for sure, but it's probably what most people have already said about The Storm and such. My advice? Just save the questions and wait for the game, lol.
  12. I could probably get something, but I want to make sure its to the max for your event. :dj:
  13. Whatever Bungie is planning, I hope it can top HALO, cause it will have to for them to make a good come back in the game industry. Smart phone apps doesn't exactly make big headlines for such a big corporation. I'm sure whatever it is though, it'll be good, after all, they've been in the "game" for a long time.
  14. Let me see......you can't party without some of this. I'll try to make a dance mix for you if I have the time. I could post infinite music if you let me though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cxgao2rYZw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQcQDbpDH_o
  15. Ok, let me do a bit of searching, I should have it by tomorrow night basically round this time.
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