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Forerunner Reclaimer

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Everything posted by Forerunner Reclaimer

  1. The best way to get max exp in spartan ops I think is by 1. Getting yourself some double xp. 2. Using the fast track spec. 3. finish a mission that is over 8 min long. 4. getting more than 15 kills per game. This should get you a total of 16,000 - 17,000 exp from my experience.
  2. Ill give you 60-70 matches of double xp ... Just for the helment
  3. So some of my friends are already starting to abandon Halo 4 and I'm here to find new friendly friends who are competitive.. lols. I love playing pratically anything on Halo 4 its just that I need a little group of people who I can invite to make a full team cause you know what happens when you play with randoms... not fun. So please if anyone just wants to win some games, play custom games or just play for the fun of the game, please add me or leave your gamertag and I will certainly add you. GT: Snipers Stream
  4. yup if i never played halo and i saw saw that, i would probably poop myself... lol
  5. they say its 75,000 but i think its a bit more...
  6. Quick then, to the bridge!! Ill get my pelican ready! lolz But yeah I also have no clue...
  7. i just got it guys, its on this thread: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/16030-stonehenge-didact-symbol-and-coordinates/
  8. Here we go, got it.... i think this may be our last little clue on what will be going on. So we got "5/11/2012, London Tower Bridge at 20:00"
  9. thts what i was think too,maybe the symbol just appears there... or something else... im extremely curious now. lol But im still confused on the videos, like what do all those places in the videos have to do with the game? There has to be some type of link..
  10. Thts what I was thinking also.. but i think all of this is some type of warning i don't know why but it just seems all wierd.. like what does the Hoover dam have to do with Halo? YES!
  11. ok I think I got it....At the end of every video there is a numer.. there is a total of 4 videos with just number and not coordinates. In one video the number is "5",then "11", then "20" and last "12" = 5.11.2012. This is really creepyy... aha
  12. This is really starting to scare me.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQT_0bva4No&feature=related i think something might happen to the hoover dam... O.o But what do the other numbers mean?! :/
  13. Hey guys i found this one video called chase..... looks legit if you ask me.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euXFSvsGmUQ I FOUND IT!!!!!! THE REST OF THE COORDINATES!!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QlL2Vbd0-M&feature=plcp Have you guys seen this? Something some what like I Love Bees? lol I just found it kind of strange.. This also http://www.youtube.c...ser/ReadyUpLive and this...... http://www.youtube.c.../TheHaloCouncil I just found these really strange... 05/05/11
  15. Ummm yeahhh...... i was going to buy the book today.....
  16. wait where did you find out that elites are playable in forge, custom games and "Elite Ops"?!??! What is that? I have never heard of anything called elite ops.... link???
  17. Just pre-ordered the LE game,console and tritton headset :D
  18. I noticed that also... the crossair seems pretty big, you think it was a headshot?
  19. Bravo posted fresh new gameplay from PAX showing the new Light Rifle, Thruster Pack and a bit of Sniper Gameplay! Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_xkU8vYJrA&list=UUq7AJTe2LVeTN_vanfZ5bkw&index=1&feature=plcp
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