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  1. If the only argument is that it is training for Spartan 4s then that is ridiculous. Shouldnt Spartans be training against the enemy they fight not other Spartans? That is the laziest excuse to not have added Elites as playable characters, as for the hieght and strength differences they dont need to hunch over the Sangeli just shrink them a little I guess, 343 is a capable team. One of the core groups and some of the most devoted fans is the Elite fans which have been totally just absolutely ****** by Frank O'*********. Halo 4 was god awful and the spartan ops story was just so stupid. Elites deserve to be in Halo as playable characters for because 20-25% of the communty are Elitle fans hope they get this right.
  2. Hey everybody! Glad to join the forums. I'm a hardcore halo fan since Halo CE. I'm in an Elite clan and came here to voice my opinion on Elites for Halo 4. I'm pretty sure I'll stay for other stuff to though don't worry. So just wanted to say Hi.
  3. @Paarthurnax us elites have to stick together I'm with SAF. But on the subject I really don't see why not to just add Elites to multiplayer shouldn't 343 try to please the ENTIRE community.
  4. I have had unwavering faith and support for 343 until they abandoned an entire section of the community by removing playable elites.
  5. Something else I just thought of was on the Spartan training ship I think its called Infinity? Anyways Elites could attack it or something and shouldn't Spartans train to fight similar enemies as the Elites as the Elites are now allies or just include the Elites into it from a story stand point.
  6. Im part of an Elite clan and its not a matter of getting over it just I like playing as them more its just how I feel. As a consumer they should listen to our part of the community. I really don't see a reason not to put them into multiplayer they say its "unnecessary" but when is anything in a video game necessary its supposed to be fun for every fan of the series. I just hope they reconsider. Also Elite Ops would be bad ass.
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