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Everything posted by heghog

  1. Starting this weekend im going to try to hold Friday game nights for my you tube channel RK Nation. It would be much appreciated if you would join me. Send me a message over live to Some Roadkil1.
  2. And the new title is, another not so good game just like reach or halo 4.
  3. Im ready for the end of halo. Oh wait theres to more games.
  4. Of corce if your 5. but if your not like reach it will be a great game(for the first mounth). The problem with the game is that it uses the base gameplay of reach which was horrible. Halo 3 came from the gameplay of halo 2 which if youve ever have played halo 2 you will agree it was the best halo. Dont get mad at me if you disagree. I havent played the game yet, but thats my prodiction for right now from the gameplay ive seen.
  5. heghog

    Classic playlist

    I hope they make more then one classic playlist. I want to play normal team slayer, yes, but I also want to play normal btb and other modes and they better not have all this cod malarkiey in swat if they even have it.
  6. Really matchmakeing? Why dont you just play bo2? Oh wait. That will suck too. The only thing I will be able to play is forge/custom games, and the classic playlist.
  7. The halo 4 assassinations is performed RETARTEDLY. Im sorry but come on just get the kill, and move on.
  8. I like the bottom picture. From new, awsome and diffrent to cool to 4 year olds dream. I like all elites up untill reach then they become stuped.
  9. Is the dmr 4 shots because that would be really unfaire.
  10. It looks ok, but knowing that there baseing the game off halo reach with its fast paist gamplay thats not halo at all. I know that if an enemy comes up from behind then I wont have a chance. So in other words I will be mad Bro.
  11. In double xp weekend playlist if it returns which it wont, so no.
  12. Oh that thing. Yea dont worry about that. Unless you stare at it.
  13. Something fair and fun like halo 3, but we all know thats not going to happen ever again in any new video game.
  14. I hate all the off them. They look like there all desined for 5 year olds who are obsest with ninjas. Im just going to go with ODST or Donnild trump helmet.
  15. I cant tell yet, but I think they should have kept the original music
  16. Every one likes ninjas (except me) and everyone wants to be one (except me) and every one forces them to make crappy looking armor that dosn't even look close to what a real ninja would look like eventhough everyone says thats what they look like. Pheww really long sentince.
  17. heghog


    They look horible. Im defently going with odst.
  18. br should be 4 and dmr should be 5 because its so acurate
  19. I hate it because its not halo. ill just have to play classic playlist
  20. heghog


    It just lets people troll better
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