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Everything posted by Drakell

  1. Yeah THIS. Definitely. Or something somewhat similar would be fine. I never had any trouble getting 50 in halo 3, but my friend was frustrated to no end after a countless amount of wins. The reward/punishment for good or bad players in halo 3 was too extremely in the fact that the penalty just kept growing. Seemed almost exponential.
  2. I think many people are missing my point that this is from a competitive standpoint. As for what you are trying to say serene, I completely disagree with you saying that you can do something about it. Perhaps if you are close range you can do something about it. Long range though, it's near impossible to do anything. People can sprint from cover to cover with virtually no penalty. The thing about halo 2 or 3 is that to gain good positioning you needed great teamwork to work your way into a dominate position because if you weren't careful, your entire team could be wiped out. That strategy is lost with sprint. Also, throwing grenades at someone who is sprinting is a lost cause. As for the comment from Luke that I'm a player stuck in the past, it's clear to me that you haven't really thought your comment through. What I'm saying is that I prefer the multiplayer in past games because it is different. To me, the multiplayer experience differs from halo 2/3 to reach almost as much as from halo 2/3 to CoD. Now maybe that's a drastic statement, but I just think they are wildly different. I would welcome the change if I thought that it contributed to the overall gameplay. I simply do not believe that this is the case.
  3. Drakell

    halo 4 vehicles

    Something fast like a ghost, but air mobile would be pretty sweet. Maybe lighter fighter power.
  4. Wait are you serious? You can't say babe on the forums? The guy even apologized for it. Heaven forbid someone say something that is truly insulting on these forums. Can already tell this isn't going to be a place for debate if posts get shut down that quickly for inappropriateness when people disagree.
  5. So you don't care about the quality of the gameplay at all? Okay, good to know. Guys guys, check this out, this guy will buy anything as long as 1 trailer looks decent and we call it something with halo in the name.
  6. I completely agree. I posted a similar thread. While I did enjoy 3 a lot, 2 was definitely better. Reach doesn't stand a chance against any of the halo games. I thought it was a pretty poor fps in general.
  7. It is my personal belief that the armor abilities that were contrived for halo reach are also what ultimate but an end to most of the fan base of halo. I'm willing to bet that most of the people that did enjoy never played halo 2 or 3 very competitively. I used to be semi-pro at halo 2 and there was nothing I enjoyed more than the competitive nature that the game brought to the gaming world. I think everyone would be lying to themselves if they didn't think that halo 2 is what started the huge gaming competitions that exist today. The game brought with it a challenge and competitiveness that has somewhere been lost along the years. Yes, halo 3 had it to some extent, but the game itself was a slower pace in my opinion. Without going off into all the reasons I think the game series gradually declined, I would like to state my opinion on the possibility of armor abilities. I think that they are, overall, a bad idea. The problem is that you can't make a map that functions with and without armor abilities. Every map in halo 2 and 3 was designed so that every player had the chance to make every jump, and every skillful maneuver that they could in order to gracefully move around the map. With the introduction of sprint however, this gracefulness was lost. Suddenly you can only make certain jumps at certain points in the game. An opponent my rapidly run up on you from behind and easily overwhelm you before you can react. Back in halo 2 I played on 8-10 sensitivity. When I played against other players, I could take 1 BR shot, turn around, and be hit for hit with them on shot 2. Now they are still 1 shot ahead of me, but if I outplay them I still have a good chance of winning that fight. Almost all of this skill level is lost with the introduction of sprint. By the time I notice them on radar, they are so close that if I'm in a confined space I may already be getting hit in the face by melee. This is just a simple example of why I don't like the ability (Don't even get me started on the sword/shotgun). TL;DR Anyways, I don't know if I successfully explained why I think it's a problem but I really hope that sprint isn't included in the game. It takes away from the skill level, and in my opinion, the fun.
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