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Just found out no local co-op

Pete Bugaiski

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Me and my wife have waited for this to come out.....FOR NOTHING.

Why would you change something that has been part and parcel of the game since the beginning.

This has to be the biggest let down I have experienced in gaming...I bought the xbox 0ne last week just for halo 5 local co-op.    I WILL NOT BUY YOUR GAME!

I hope others follow suit.

Thanks 343 for ruining my day.

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So you're giving up an entire installment in the series, which will have an awesome story, brand new gameplay features (like competent AI Spartan squad mates), epic multiplayer modes (just look at Warzone!), new weapons and vehicles, and 60fps, simply because there's no local co-op? Seems like a lot to give up because one feature is absent...


Also, we are not the official 343 Industries. This is a fan community.

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343i has stated multiple times that they could deliver a game in this scale and graphical fidelity on 60 fps with co-op. They had to make a tough decision between co-op splitscreen and 60 fps at all times and chose the latter.

I'm sorry that you feel this way but splitscreen was a dying feature anyway.

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